The Associationl of 
North American 
Diectory PubIiah 
Goo. W. Overts., P, d&.B         1% A, Nmbs Id Vbs.Pes 
CMGM, 11,                      Sw  s dB i MM. 
J, Mau" Gadr, let Vleeres.          L & LmaGNgs  &0.Trm 
TOrene O,,.                        Pow Tek Cur 
A. V. wlam., Clbmlub             Win. G. T  edWM% Pbh    ba 
.L ehk Deirb                  L D. Aunwab     Chlmd 
IL IL Demnslsu, CMomo            W. 0. Foubm, Adhaft 
W. L R10m0d0  Tecbors          D. W. - -  ma, Abvo. 
Alv    . IL b , Mw  ngd W. IL L.0, NM 
c. DW. Marcy, Bse" 
beretMa s OS. 12-135 Chie 30. Now. Teak C       . 
The Assocktion of North American Directory Publishers Is comosed 
of reputable City Directory Publishers, organized for the neMtrl ad- 
vancement of the Directory business. Any person, cororton Or Irm 
enaged in business as owner and publisher of a Cty DE       in the 
United States or Canada, who shall qualify as competent to gater i- 
formation and compile a City Directory and fural satisfactory   n- 
ences, is eligible to membership. 
The objects of the Association are: 
First. The advancement of the Diectory busluess and the improve- 
ment of Directories by the Interchange of ideas and the exchange of ex- 
perienced employes. 
* Second. To provide protection to the public against fraudulent ad- 
vertising schemes which operate under the name of Directoris, and to 
drive unprincipled promoters of the same out of business. 
Third. To provide permanent and profitable employment to eompe- 
tent, industrious and honest Directory canvassers and compilers 
Fourth. For the mutual prosection and advancement of the estab- 
lished and prospective interests of all who may become mebers, by 
personal advice and assistance of members as may be mutuallysatis- 
odesirable or advisable, and by ech other  m     s  a u y, from 
time to time, be shown to be wise, prowe and lawful.. 
oftO REWARD will be paid by the Association for the arredsad 
conviction of any person or persons  a e in pubdd      eng or 
canvassing for any fraudulent or fake" Dlretory.