General Index 
Abbrevitions    ..................    I 
beticl List o1 Nam"      ...      3 
Bu~ e ....................... ..  $ 
Board of *3uain        .. 
Buyerm   Guide ......      *::::      21 
COmto    es       .................. 14 
h r O N  . ........................  14 
city  overnment           . 
ClSilE d Business Directo     .... 495 
County Govornment .                   11 
County Insane As       lu    .    .  12 
HospltaAs" ...................... 14 
Incorporated Companies .......... 14 
Justices of the Peae .........      1 
iUbrarles  .........................  16 
Miscellanous Directory .......... 
Mi  llaneous  ocieties ............ I 
e   par.....................   T 
Pos.O....................... 1? 
Parochial Sehools ................ 17 
Police Department.......... 
Post Office ................1 
Pbiic Schools ....................  9 
secret and Benevolent societies .. 1 
State Institutions ................ 18 
Street  Guide  .....................  69 
Index to Advertisers 
Adams & Buchholts ............. 65 
Andelson Bros. right bottom lines 
and  ............ ..............  s 
AN  P~ ~ m.  G.  ..,  lft, ,o . t..o . i  lineos  30 
Art Tailoring Co ................. 63 
Artcratt Printing Co ............ 
Badger -..fe ..........  ..........6 1 
Badger Steam Dye Wors. .......2 
Ballentine Win. ............2.....   9 
Bank of southern Wisconsin. left 
side lines and ................ 26 
Bass, Charles J.. right side lines 
and  ............ .............  46 
Bcatwlk. J . & S    sC.......... .3 
Bower City Bank. right side lines 
and ..........................  28 
Brittinhamn & Hlxon Lumber Co.. 
right top lines and..........58 
Brown Bros. Elecytic SqOp. left side 
lines and ............       ..2 4 
Brown's. W. F. ............   .... 
Bowumeit. . riht side lines 
and  ............ .............  2t 
Burns Agency. ribbon book mark 
andh Wpines an .    .......... 63 
Brn Tr. P. o. rig hopto line 
lned.. .  .................... 46 
Burto n. FrdJ.  lft side line. nd2 
CatsleL  o......................4 
Citom    . r. IV.. .................. 4 F.   H.                  4?tsielie 
Cohere Brs.   Kt Io         Metal. 
Co   ......................... 4 
ColvneBakn       . ............... ..2 
Consumer.  v     Co.. backbone and  31 
Cronin Dary &    ce Cream Co. . ... 3  
Cullen. J. P. & Son..............6A 
CaniLngham, Herbert J. A            1ency. 
left top  i  an d............ 4 
Cnningh.. I&... . . .  obt J    . 
right bottom lines an ......... as 
DaCnrw. e. IL. left sdec lines and 13 
Day-Sareliff Co.. left bottom Unes 
and  ............... ...........  41 
Do Luxe Lunch .................. 
Denning. J. A. ................. 
Dougr      Joseph ................ 
Douis    Hardware      Co.. left top 
1l11eM and .................... 421 
Drummond. George . ........... 
Drummond. James A. ............22 
Blectric 8hop  right top lines and  89 
1islow, Charles A., right bottom 
lines and .................... 51 
Fathers. James A ................ 41 
Federal Sstem of Bakeries........U 
Ftfleld Lumber Co. stencil edges 
and    .............4.......    54 
First National Bank. bacok ever 
and .............. 2..... 
Fisher & Geffs .......              6 
Foster. A. D. & Sons. left bottom 
lines  and  .................... 6_ 
George & Clemons ...............     5 
Gibson Brother .................S5 
Gold-Stabeck Co.. left top line. 
and  ............ ..............  49 
Goodyear RubberCo. (Mjwanke) 64 
GossardN.W.C                        29 
.l..'. .... :::: ::::::::::: 
Green. F. N. & Bons Co..     ...... 4 
Hager. Julius .................... 23 
Hammes Goeorge H.. left bottom 
lines and ..................... 
Hayes W. R.. opposite US3 and .. 38 
Hayes & Langdon ............... I 
Hemming. Wi.. right bottom lines 
and ............ ............ s 
Hotel London ....................4$ 
Hotel Lucille .................... 
Hotel Planters .................I 
isman 3. Q. Agency, hack cover 
and ............... .......... 61 
Interurban Hotel ................. 44 
Jacobs. Ooq A. Agency. right 
top lines and ............ 
Jae r-Mceme Piano Co....... 
Janesvlle Businem College. right 
top)     and .................8 
Jane'Ilio Candy Co. ..              1 
Janeviflle Electric Co.. back Over 
and  ............  ............  8