The Janesville City Directory is herewith presented to patrons in 3k. 
belief that it is complete and comprehensive, and tmodies all that is vital

the commercial, financial and industrial interests of the city. The work
be found to measure up to the standard established in prvious editions whichl

proved acceptable to patrons as meeting their needs for a valuable book of

reference regarding the city. This work has several distinct departments

set forth a follows: 
Tke Mlseellane.s. Department, contained in pages 9 to 20. gives informa-

tion respecting city and county government, banks, business assouations.

cemeteries, churches, convents, hospitals, courts. Incorporated companies,

justices of the peace, fraternal, benevolent and secret societies, newspapers,

parks, schools, post offices, libraries, state institutions, etc. 
The Buyers Guide, covering pages 21 to 8, is a valuable feature of the 
work and contains the advertisements of progressive business men and con-

crns, printed on Unted paper: these advertisements are compiled under head-

ings adapted to the subject of the business activity. 
The Street and Avenue Guide and Direetory of Householders is included in

pages 69 to 126. 
The Alphabetial List of citisens, business concerns and corporations is 
embraced in pages 121 to 494. 
The Classilled Illumines. Directery is embodied in the fina pagie of the

volume at pages 415 to 565 In this section the names of all those carrying
business or Industry in the city are arranged alphabetically under heoags

appropriate to the class of business pursued. 
Characteristics of a Southern Wisconsin Munlelpilty 
Janesville is located nearly In the geographical center of Rock County on

the southern border of the State. It was first settled in 185, incorporate&
1863 and made the judicial seat of the county in 183. It i 91 miles north-

west of Chicago and 71 southwest of Milwaukee. on the C. & N. W. and
C. A. & St. P. Rys., also the Rockfield & Interurban Electric Ry.
The shipeng 
facilities are among the best in the State. Fine water power to afforded
Rock river. A first class system of water works and an efficient fire do-

partment are ample security against fire. The city has gas and electric light

works. electric street car lines fire alarm telegraph, a daily and a weekly

newspaper, high and graded schools and churches of the leading denomina-

tions. Tobacco raising, now one of the leading industries of Rock County.
io of 
Immense value to the city and has given rise to the establishment of 
numerous wholesale and Jobbing houses in leaf tobacco; the manufactures 
are extensive and comprise cotton mills. fireless cooker works, woolen mills,

dour mills. barbed wire fence works. overall factories and a variety of other

important Industries. 
The Federal Census of 192 credited Janesvllle with a population of 111.298.

a gain of 5.199 over the census for 1910. 
The Janesville Chamber of Commerce Is the local Power House of 
Progress. and Is behind every forward movement havifr to do with the 
interests of Janesville. social, commercial and industrial; t0 Cbenor footers

every enterprise already here and Invites and encourages newcomers. 
Copies of this Directory are p laced by the publishers In the Directory 
llbrardsawhich are maintained In the leading cities of the country, where
serve to advertise Janesville and Its manifold Intereets. 
Compilers  ad Publishrs