Chutt CwS 
Judge-Hon Gee Grimm 
Clerk-Jame Earle 
Court Reporter-,rFrancls C Grant 
Twelfth Judicial Circuit-Terms ol 
court; First Monday In Marcb 
and Third Monday In October 
County Court 
Judge-Hon Chas L Fifleld 
Register in Probate-ocar N Nel- 
Terms of Court-First and third 
Tuesdays in each month excepi 
July and August 
mulell Court 
Judge--Hon Harry L Maxfield 
Clerk-Lou M Stoddard 
Daily at 9 a m at City Hall 
Court Commissioners 
F C Burpe, M P Richardson, A E 
Jury Commissioners 
Robt More, Go M McKey, W 0 
Wisconsin School for the Blind- 
Located State near Oak Hill av; 
established 1860; scholars  ad- 
mitted between the ages of 7 and 
21; Junius T Hooper superin- 
(Federal Bldg. S Franklin n e cor 
Postmaster-J J Cunningham 
Assistant Postmater-Jno G Hem- 
Finance Clerk-Gus A A Kaemp- 
Postal Savings and Registry Clerk 
-Alice B Farnsworth 
Money Order-Dell C MlIltImore 
Superintendent of Malls - W F 
Clerks--Lewis G Ehrlinger, Joseph 
R O'Hara, Go M Birmingham, 
Maitland Palmer, Louis D Gage. 
Lewis Rood, Thomas J Reed. Lee 
Woodle, Richard J Dawson. Mar- 
garet C   Reardon. Stanley   T 
Bruce. George Strampe, John L 
McDonald, Clarence A Hammer- 
Subtiutes--Wm   Pearl, Clarence 
City Letter Carriers - Chas E 
Smith, Claire   D  Capelle. Jno 
Gleason, Orlando V Hanthorn, 
Jas W Quinn. Robt J Bear, Jno P 
Joyce, Gee H Powers, Roy D 
Curler, Oscar F Helverson, Oscar 
C Hammerland, John P Smith. 
Herbert Huebel, Paul Ehrllnger, 
Frank J Ward 
Substitutes--Robert Crane, Melvin 
McCarthy, Clarence Proper 
Rural Carriers--Hendrick A Pal- 
mer. C    E   Grenawalt, Jno C 
Lyons, Joseph De Fay, Mark L 
Baum, Bernard M McLaughlin. 
Knut 0 Gronmyhr, Frank Z 
Craig. Harry A Wasson 
Office Hours--Postal Savings De- 
partment 8 a m to 5:80 p m; 
Money Order Department 8 a a 
to 5:80 pnm; Registry Depait- 
ment 8 a m to 6 p =; General 
Delivery 8 a m to 7:20 p m; no 
Sunday service except Special 
Delivery Mail 
Sub-Stations-No 1, 21-13 E   Mil- 
waukee; George King clerk in 
charge; No 2, 427    8 Rngold, 
Honry Fahlbusch clerk in charge. 
Beard of Pension Examiners 
President-Dr M A Cunningham 
Treasurer-Dr D R Connell Belolt 
Secretary-Dr R W Edden 
Meets first Wednesday of month at 
121 W Milwaukee 
United States Court Commissioner 
Stanley D Tallman 421 Hayes blk 
United States Revenue Collector 
Peter J Mouat 21 Federal bldg 
United States Civil Service Exam. 
Gus A A Kaempfleln pres-sec; Or- 
lando V Hanthorn, Joseph Z 
Bank of Southern Wisconsin-In- 
corporated Feb 25, 1920; capital 
and surplus $110,000; J W Dady 
pres; J P Cullen v-pres; Alex H 
Matheson cash; C H Gage sat 
cash; 110 W Milwaukee 
Bower City Bank-Organised 1895; 
capital $60,000; surplus and prof- 
Its $92,503; Geo G Sutherland 
pros; Wm McLay v-pres; A E 
Bingham cash; H D Murdock 
ast cash; R H Krueger      st 
cash; 2 8 Main 
First National Bank-Organized 
1855; capital $200,000; surplus 
and undivided profits $260.000; 
H S Haggart pres; H S Lovejoy 
v-pres; Wm McCue cash; R R 
Conway and P H Palmer east 
cash; 100 W Milwaukee 
Merchants & Savings Bank-Incor- 
porated 1875; capital $300,000; 
surplus and   undivided  profits 
$235,000; Wm Bladon pres; P P 
Pullen v-pres; E J Haumerson 
cash; 12 W Milwaukee 
Rock County National Bank-Or- 
ganised 1855; capital $100,000; 
surplus $118.494; F H Jackman 
pres; C 8 Jackman v-pree; J M 
Beck cash; 153 Milwaukee 
Rock County Savings & Trust Co- 
Incorporated 1912; capital $50,- 
000; surplus and profits $28,725; 
1 H Jacknan pres; C 8 Jackman 
v-pros; W Z Hyser sec; 15 3 Mil- 