The Miller Incline Truck
The Miller Incline Truck, Platform and Skids end all truck troubles of the printer. No trucks are tied up for every platform is
a truck. By this plan the pile of sheets does not rest on the floor, but on a platform, which in turn rests on skids. The truck-low-
ered - is shoved under the platform, between the skids. Then the crank is given a few turns and as the
top part of the truck is elevated by an incline plane device, it raises the sheets and platform clear of the
skids. It will do this even if the sheets weigh five thousand pounds, which is the small truck's guaranteed
capacity. No exertion is necessary on the part of the workman. The sheets remain in perfect order and
all the man has to do is walk away with the load. The truck is equipped with either round axles, or roller
bearings, so it is easily pulled. When the destination is reached another pair of skids stand ready. A twist
of the crank to the left and the sheets and platform are then deposited safely. Such a change as this can be
made very quickly. The truck is now ready for other work. This truck may truly he said to take the
place of fifty trucks, as it is only a question of having enough skids and platforms
to meet your needs and these, which may be readily constructed and are cheap,
may be placed at convenient positions all over your plant.
The Miller Incline Truck is applicable to every business, where much moving
of wares is done.
There is a fifth wheel plate in front, except on the No. 1, which has a large
size castor. If preferred a truck
may be equipped with all castors
and swivel castors. Prices will
remain the same.
That the Miller Incline Truck                Minor 1nh- Truk
is an investment which readily
pays for itself is confirmed by
some very strong testimonials which have been received. The Knapp Company
writes that it is using about three hundred platforms operated by two trucks at
its plant located at Bush Terminal, Brooklyn. The
Stone Printing and Manufacturing Co., of Roanoke, Va.,
Stte that it has found them very satisfactory. The
II. IIiiran Smith Co., of Brooklyn, is using a truck
with entire satisfaction. The ttichmnondi andi
Backus Co., of Detroit, admits that there is
nothing that it has added to its equipment in
the way of a money-saver that has produced
such an excellent result as this Truck. The
It. R. Donnelley & Sons Co.,
of Chicago, states that it has
found the Truck to be pr-,
ei}..l ,,f Adlie jusnTruc under  fectly satisfactory, both as a  ,
Loaded i'latforrn             time and money saver.
List Prices and Dimensions of the Miller Incline Trucks and Platforms
Size                                                          ice
Truck No. 1-22x30 (usually takes a platform 32x36)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100 o5
Truck No. 2-22x40 (usually takes a platform 32x44)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12500
Truck No. 3-28x40 (usually takes a platform 40x48)  . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . 125 00
Truck No. 4-28x48 (usually takes a platform 40x54)  . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . 13750               iii   Ski s
Truck No. 5-28x60 (usually takes a platform 44x64) .  . . . . . . . . . . . . ..  150 00
One Platform, size 32x36, and two Skids for No. 1 Truck, price $1.50; one Platform, size 32x44, and two Skids for No. 2 Truck,
price $2.25; one Platform, size 40x48, and two Skids for No. 3 Truck, price $2.50; one Platform, size 40x54, and two Skids for No. 4
Truck, price $3.00; one Platform, size 44x64, and Skids for No. 5 Truck, price $3.50.
Wisconsin Printers' Trucks
These strong, easy running Trucks are made especially for the use of Koerner Interlocking Drying Racks and can be easily
moved in a limited space. The Truck will turn in its own length, the two end wheels bearing on swivels. The handle is detachable
and hooks on at either end-this feature saving much time in turning a truck laden with drying racks, paper or a form. These
Trucks are designed to hold an unlimited number of Patent Interlocking Racks and may be depended upon to bear
immense weight and give lasting service. They are unquestionably the easiest running printer's trucks on
the market.
List Prices of Wisconsin Printers' Trucks
Size of Toe                              Weieht, Crated   Prie
No.1   24x36 inches over all .  .  .  . .  .  .  .  .  . .  . .  .  . .  . .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .... 160 pounds  $16  00
No. 2  33x45 inches over all.........  ................................    180pounds       18 00
No.     8x52inchesoverall....                    ..........................     200 pounds      20 00
Other sizes made to order at proportionate prices
Hamilton Form Truck
A most convenient article to have around a printing office. It can be used
to advantage trucking forms back and forth between the composing room and
the pressroom, without danger of
accident. It will take two forms,
one on each side, up to thirty-four
by foreight inches, or several smal hm                                    ;
without overlapping the edges of form beds.
Wic .oin' Printei' Took  It is made of hardwood throughout, rein-
forced by cleats underneath, and mounted on four
double-wheeled swivel castors. Diameter of wheels is three and five-eighths
inches. This insures easy motion. The Truck can be turned around and reversei
within the floor space it occupies. The handle is detachable, and of malleable iron.
The bottoms of the grooves where the chases rest on the Truck are lined with
iron, so that the woodwork will not be damaged.
Length, forty-eight inches; extreme height from the floor, thirty-nine
and one-half inches; extreme width, forty-two inches; size of the slopin
form beds, thirty-four inches high, forty-eight inches long. Weight, cratel ,
ready for shipment, three hundred pounds.
Listprice..........    .............................. ...$4800
Other sizes of this Truck made to order at proportionate prices.                                        4
Truck for Paper Rolls
In every large printing office using paper from the roll there is always a
demand for a suitable truck for conveying the heavy rolls to the stock room
when received, and from the stock room to the pressroom. This new Truck will answer the require-
ments fully. Made substantially of hardwood, with cast iron center wheels, and double swivel
castors on the ends. If interested we shall be pleased to send you an illustration.
Length, twenty-eight inches; width, twenty-four inches; extreme height, fourteen and three-eighths inches; center height
eleven inches. Weight, crated, one hundred and fifty pounds.
List price . . ......................                                                             $24 00
All prices quoted on this page are subject to prevailing discounts.