Rouse Universal Block System
The Rouse Universal Block System is a very simple and (tuick scheme for mounting I lates. The blocks have many advantages,
the principai one bing the great spod wahich is nia< J- pinible in omake-up  a %ngt isi- of' pa l s hiae beon actually assembled
ready to lock up in
IXO 54 H   1.6      sXa ttr              4.             ld         7"1 frcorn fifteen to fifty
aconds, or at the cate
wRo  sixteen pages in
:,trw fiv totenityr
kinutes. The Univer-
nlato       permitsthe
wore to be done on th
ston , or on the press
in running. One can
aoiiamp or release plates
Iry this system at least
X,                                                                   three times as fast as
on a grooved bed. It is
adapted for fine regis-
ter or ordinary black
work. The hooks and
catches can be placed
where desired, as they
are in separate units.
Each set or font is coe-
llete in itself, so there
is no occasion for sort-
ing ut.
The Universal Hooks
are cextremely rap~id,
yet caleable of fine ad-
e fjustment for register
n n te mwork. Theyaresimple
and very strong in con-
w  bstruction         The jaw is
s  e    g   tperated by a ratchet
fitr clamping or releas-
-         ----                                   i ngplates. 'Ihecatches
-n.        linre of rass an n  cannot
* i. a. ,.                     possibly work upon the
Crlss. A margin is
a  ef    plate mon   It inch ndregie in sstem. mTe aoses ofiron. esint systea. With a single set or font, eight pages can
be nontro i   oiie tuidd and sixty lifere t sizes, ranging from seventeen by twenty-five up to and including thirty-five by
fifty-one ems pica and a less number of
larger pagesito unncessaret      ak
shapes and sior pes wt    secrthe fe
utwo  picas in wit is snger and orh
width and lengtea
The up-to-do do                   s    e   n     e     b       s
be familiar wita                          bae gra     raidt has be
[atN                                 om      n   fe[annaatent blocks.
The AC                                      Reigisat T  oo Founders Company
handles the very best and most extensive
lines on the market, and ateain                            mig                        rsa
prepared to demonstrate their value.on
prentb                                                    grhoadesiresytoiec, aoizectimecanct
monevrai        1 to place iis Itssiness on a well
hould from the very th nt acquire the             I   b    o     o a
troper facilities for conitiuctifg his sbusi-
The  ntessbonothe most economical basis. The Rouse Universal Bick System is one ofthevery best schemes known
for mounting plates, in fact it goes a great way towards solving the block system. The method embraces
a wide rangeof sizes. suficient to meet all eventualities and always effects a great saving in making ready.
r   nPrices of Rouse Universal Block System
Price per set including steel ratchet and dust-proof case . . $55 00   Universal Register Hook, 8x16 emsty.--and$100
Climax Register Hooks
A ierfect plate mounting and registering system must possess certain essential features, such as an unyielding and perfectly
ee  i si; atiti. oustril cf hli plates speed in clamping and releasing plates racidity and exactness in mnawc-up; narrow
margins; rigid support fur the entire plate; strength and durability
without unnecessary weight and ability to make u t  forms on the
FC [ -1 M/1 X                     stone or press. To secure the perfectly even base, cast ion has been
6i mi. 14  -145.                used, as it is stronger and more rigid than any known alloy. A per-
fect register is best secured by absolute and individual control of the
plate. To do this there is only iine way, by means of
register hooks. Speed is essential., By means of the.
register hooks and bases great rapidity has been
attained. Narrow margins effect a saving in paper.
e  ~         The Climax Register Hooks permit much narrower margins than any
other way. The iron bases pirovide a rigid pilate at all points. For
strength and durability the hoillow iron bases form an almost ideal  tl iia ia ititt No.
N oyu vN   base, being light and indestructible. The system of mounting plate
\V t    1/-1 H   greatly reduces the waiting time of the presses, as with register hooks and bases one can make
up forms on the stone or on the press.
Cli  Ri't' 11(d-   I     Rouse Bases are made of the best gray iron, accurately machined to the point system, They
Mi-itare li ght, yet strong and rigid. They are comprised in a unit system comtiisedlof eight by  eight
em, units, each unit being occupied by either a unit base or a hook and its
jusifirs.A uitmay be lifted and a hook with its justifiers substituted.
Th  oy ofh Climax Register Hootk is made of hard drawn br-ass arid a threaded steel bushing which ran
be eplcedin aseof wear is inserted in the rear wall. This permits a finer thread and thus a finer adjustment
is isurd. Te jw is made of steel the full width of the body. This prevents the jaw destroying the register.
The eadof he crew is let into the back of the wall and forms an effectual shield to prevent scratching itr
burrng.Therecsin the back of the jaw permits the narrow margin of eight points. The screw is of hardened
stel ad i keedto the jaw, thus forming a two-piece hook, the very essence of strength and simplicity and
theeasestposibl hook to clean. The jaw has a movement of about sixteen points.
TeCiaRegister Hooks are made in two sizes: No. 1, four by six ems, is especially adapted for very
smal i~ltcs  i  .trimely narrow margins, such as post cards. No, 2, six by six ems, has been designed for all narrowv margins.
Prices of the Climax Register Hooks
SNo. 1, 4x6 ems. .. ... ........ ...$085                No. 2, 6x6 ems. .. ... ........ ...$090
The Rouse Register Hooks
j          The Rouse Register Hook is operated with a pin only. The jaw has a movement of nearly four picas,
Uwhich in additi on to its unequaled speed makes this hook unexcelled for register work for which it is prin-
cipally intended. Made in two sizes. Minimum margin sixteen points.
Prices of the Rouse Register Hooks
No, 0, Rouse Register Hook. 4x4 ems1. 8 $0 70  No. 1, Rouse Register Hook, 6x4 ems. ...$0 70
