All-Brass Galleys
Extra heavy rims, bottom of standard thickness and absolutely flat. The American Type Founders Company's All-Brass Galleys
are the strongest and most serviceable manufactured. The rim of each galley is made of extra heavy brass with an extra lip at the
top and bottom. This not only acts as a
reinforcement, but enables the printer
to get a more secure grip on the
galley as he lifts it from the case or
stone. The corners are exception-
ally strong and true as they are
securely interlocked. This method
of interlocking the corners in-
creases the life of the galley
tooverdoublethatof any other                n    ,oi co A-Beans Galtm
galley. In an All-Brass Galley
the corner construction is the most im lee aout point to in estigate, as it is there that
most of the lock-up strain com  1 1 I        ae  itel to a cal straightening
ill twas iI unIty           process, which insures the near,  i ,; 1  a perfet flatness. The rivets which
hold the sides and ends securely to the bottom are of extra hard brass, exted
clear through the sides and bottom of the galley, the holes are deeply c                                -                          Ill
sunk and the rivets headed over top and bottom. Our method of interlockin
the corners and strongly riveting the sides and bottoms has brought our All-
Brass Galley to a point of perfection where it is acknowledged to be the stand-
ard of quality and construction.
Printers will be quick to see the advantages of these All-Brass Galleys,
and to appreciate the fact the American Type Founders Company
complete line of them. These galleys are conscientiously recommended as---
giving the greatest value for the prices paid and as being of the highest class.       Al l    1i  Gall.y

List Prices and Dimensions of All-Brass Galleys
10 or  to 40 59  100 to 200 and        Size Galley
Iss . 11 4         199  oer-    Inside         Colns
. . $250 $240 $230 $220 $2 10       191%2x23%,  Eight . . . .
. .  200   1 90  1 80  1 70   1 60   6 xlO     Job Size . . .
1 75  1 65  1 55  1 45  1 35   84 x13   Job Size
* .  275   265   255   245    235    9 x14     Job Size
* .  300   290   280   2 70   260   10 x16     Job Size . . . .
* .  250   240   230   220    2 10  12 x18     Job Size . . . .
225   2 15  2 05  1 95  185    14 x21    Job Size . . . .
350   340   330   320   3 10  15 x22     Job Size . . . .
. .  425   4 15  405   395    3 85  18 x25     Job Size . . . .
. .  500   490   480   470    460          Size Inide
* .  500   490   480   4 70   460    1'x3 0   Mailing . . . .
550   540   530   520   5 10   6'ix23I   Mailing . . . .
6 25  6 15  605   5 95  5 85   7/1 x2 3%  Mailing, Bruce
6 25  6 15  6 05  5 95  5 85   7 x23%    Mailing, Wesel
700   690   680   670   660   10 x23%.   Mailing . . . .
Special sizes made to order at proportionate prices.

$7 00
2 00
2 50
2 75
3 25
4 00
4 75
5 25
7 00
3 00
3 50
3 75
3 75
4 75

11 to 49 50 to 99 100 to
$690 $680 $670
1 90  1 80  1 70
240   230   220
265   255   245
3 15  305   295
390   3 80  3 70
465   455   445
515   505   495
690   680   670
290   280   270
340   330   3 20
365   355   345
365   355   345
465   455   445

American Patented (One-Piece Rim) All-Brass Galleys
This All-Brass Galley has a rim of only one piece; a continuous strip of heavy flanged brass, formed to perfectly square corners
inside, and secured to the bottom by more rivets than are used by any other manufacturer, making it practically indestructible. This
patented galley is made by very prominent manufacturers, and is sold under a strict guarantee that it is better and stronger than any
other galley. With proper use, it will practically last forever; of rough use, such as galleys invariably get in large offices, it will stand
more than any other and still retain its usefulness. Heretofore there has never been a galley which would hold fast at the corners
when used around machines or for handling large, heavy pages: but this one-piece rim galley will hold fast all around under the
roughest usage. The rim is flanged so that the galley with its load can be readily and safely grasped; no type load will cause yield-
ing, and nothing short of inexcusable abuse will affect the accuracy and durability of this galley while in constant use.
All-Brass Graduated Galleys
This is claimed to be the best "graduated to picas" galley ever made. It is constructed of the best materials. The corners are
secured with a steel anchor. The walls are fastened to the bottom with short, stout rivets, placed as closely to the inner face of
the wall as possible. The result is the finest possible construction. The galleys are graduated
to twelve points on the end and one side-a convenience which will be appreciated. If preferred,
plain galleys can be supplied.
List Prices and Dimensions of All-Brass Graduated Galleys
Size Inside             Price               Size Inside            Prie
6  x10  inches  . .  .  .  .  .  .  .. $2 00  12x18  inches .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  $4 00
8%.,x13 inches .  . .......       250       14x21 inches.. . . . . . . . . .  475
9  x14  inches  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  2 75  15x22  inches .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .. 525
10  x16  inches  .  .  .  .  . .  .  .  .  .  325  18x25 inches.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  7 00
Columns        Size Inside     Price        Columns        Size Inside     Prie
Single  . . . . 3%4x23% inches     $250      Triple  . . .  81x23%14 inches   $350
Single  . . . . 3%/xl5% inches     200      Four . . . . 10Yx23%Yi inches    425
Single  . . . . 3txl1t inches     175      Five . . . . 13 x23%/ inches      500
Medium .   . . 5 x23%Yi inches      2 75     Six . . . .  15 x23%4 inches     5 50
Double . . . . 61/x23%, inches     300      Seven . . . . 17 x23%/ inches     625
Double . . . . I 6% xl5% inches     250      Eight . . . . 19 x23%9 inches     700
Double  .  .  .  .  61/  xlt   inches  225  . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . .
Mailing Galleys, Closed Ends (Double Column) 61/ix23t . . . ... . .....  . . . . . $3 50
All-Brass Monotype Galley
This Monotype Galley is made entirely of brass. The sides are angle shaped and riveted to the bottom. The rivets have heavy
heads and are countersunk into the bottom. Much thought by practical men has been devoted to the construction of this galley,
with the result that it is simple, thoroughly practical and will save time and pi in any office where the Monotype is used. The end
piece is made removable and the sides are milled out at both ends, so that the end piece can be set at either end, as desired. By this
means the operator on the Monotype is able to shift the end of the galley, after it comes from the machine, thus avoiding the neces-
sity of transferring the matter from one galley to another when making up. This will be appreciated by those who know the trouble
caused where solid end galleys are used.
Prices of All-Brass Monotype Galleys
Single Column, 3%x23% inches inside, each . . . . . . . . $2 50  Triple Column, 8/4x23%u inches inside, each . . . . . . . . $3 50
Single Column,3%Stxl14 inches inside, each. . . . . . . . 1 75  Job Size, 6%uxi11/ inches inside, each. . . . . . . . . . . 225
Double Column, 61/x23%u inches inside, each  .     . 300    Job Size, 9x14 inches inside, each........  . .  . . . . 275

3:% x15% I
31 mll
5 x23%
61 x23%
61/ x15 i
61 xl11% t
811 x23%.
1214 x23% i
13 x231
15 x23%
17 x23%
1711 x23%
19 x23%

Size Galley'
Single . . .
Triple  .  .  .
Four . . .
Six  .  .  .
Extra . ,   .
Seven . . .
Extra . . .

200 and
$6 60
1 60
2 10
2 35
2 85
3 60
4 35
4 85
6 60
2 60
3 10
3 35
3 35
4 35