Sterling Round Cornering Machines
These machines are for round cornering booklets, catalogues, cards of all kinds, labels, folders, calendar backs and an endless
variety of other work. The Sterling is the most popular round cornering machine ever devised. Over eight thousand of these
machines have already been sold to printers, bookbinders and kindred trades in every civilized country in the world.
The machine is self-clamping and very rapid. Every part is made with the utmost care, and nothing but the very
best material is used in its construction. The operation of the Sterling is so simple and the price so low that no
enterprising concern can afford to get along without one of these wonderful machines. Round corners add to the
appearanceof agreatmanydifferentkindsof work, and in many instances they are absolute necessities. The actual
cost of round cornering is only a trifle. The capacity of the machine is a little over one inch of stock. Any number
of sheets can be cornered with the greatest ease, from a single sheet up to the full
capacity of the machine. The knife cuts onto a block of end grain hardwood, which
is held in position by means of a spring. Four cutting blocks are included with
each machine. Extra cutting blocks are 35 cents per dozen. These blocks are always
packed in boxes containing one dozen, which can be sent by mail at a cost of ten cents
for postage. The price of the machine includes
one No.1 knife, which is the size generally used.
The diagram illustrates five styles of knives,
price $1.25 each. Postage five cents each.
The illustrations show the hand power
and foot power machines which are iden-
tical with the exception of the method of
operating. The hand power
machine is specially designed
for bench use. The foot power
machine allows
O                                                 the operator the
use of bothI
hands for guid-
ing the stock.
Sterling Itound Cornering Achine
Hdald Power
The fact that the foot
power machiecan be eas-
ily moved arod the work-
shop is a valuable feature
in many plants. As the
Sterling machines are built
on the interchangeable
plan, the hand power ma-
(IV                                  chine may be converted 'into
a foot power machine in a
0,                                    few minutes' time by the
addition of the pedestal foot
power attachment. Several
thousand  pedestal foot
power attachments have
already   been sold to the
earlier purchasers of hand power         Sterling Round Cornering Machine
Sterling Round Cornering Machines.               Foot Pow
Prices of Sterling Round Cornering Machines
ShippinglWetlht ListcPrice
Hand  power.....................                35pounds    $15 00
Foot power  .....................160pounds                   30  00
Pedestal Foot Power Attachment . . . . . . . . . . 136 pounds  15 00
Bullock Ejector Press Punch
The Bullock Ejector Press Punch is a useful device, which is made two points
lower than type-high. Oneormore of them can be locked up in a type form all will
cut a clean round hole three-thirty-sec-
onds of an inch, one-eighth of an inch,
three-sixteenths or one-quarter of an
inch, in paper or card stock at the same
time as the job is printed. The Punch
will not clog, as each piece cut is auto
matically ejected by the plunger and
falls to the floor as soon as the impres-
sion is released. The ejector protects
the rollers from any danger of injury
from the cutter. The cutters are all
mounted on the same size body and as
all parts are interchangeable, new cut-L
ters can be readily fitted. The spring !senc square er....        ..1n25
Extra Cutters, small .. .. .... ..$0 35 large. . $0 60  Extra Plungers, small. .. ......$0 10 lsarge. .. ....20
Extra Screw, smallf . ......... 10                      Extra Cutting Plate, dozen, small 10 largeb.e....    10
Extra Square Base, small. .. .....20; large .       40   Extra Springs, small .. .. .......05 large. .. ....05
The Dillingham Punch
The IDilliug~hami Press Punch is secured to the tympan of Platen presses in practically the same manner as a feed guide. The
slightly curved spring as shown in the illustration is placed under the upper tympan sheet soil
the sheet to be punched is fed over this curved spring and under the punch with no Iure trouble
Pthan in feeding to gauge pins. The punch is secure    he typan
with paster glue. If so desired several punches can he ued on a
sheet and the printing and punching done at the same time. It is
made to punch holes five-thirty-seconds, three-sixteenths and one- = a
E   Squarter inch. State size of hole wanted when ordering. This is
an extremely useful device for any printer, and is thoroughly 
The Dillinghang Punch   effective in operation. Price, each, $1.25.                      1      2      3