Bold Antique in Practical Display

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You Next W
W ill You U.*0,
WilJuly                                             0
be There                                      4th?
R   will have a Grand Bucking Bronco Riding
Contest and General Independence Celebration.
Free Busses will leave from Hotel Hobart every
five minutes beginning at 12 o'clock noon for
LoneButte Camp
0      Tuesday, July the 4th
Everybody is invited. There will be other sports
such as Coyote Chase, Shooting Contest, Lariat
Throwing Exhibition, Races for the Women and
Children and, last and best, the Great Western
Free for All Roast Beef Barbecue followed im-  0
1    mediately by a Wonderful Display of Fireworks
Rough Riders League
Salt Creek Junction, So. Dakota
5 Something WISE UP ON IT IN TIME !
*                    A jolly good time is being prepared for every
doing         soon         man, woman and child in Way Station and the
surrounding country. This event is intended to
bring together old acquaintances and to make
new ones and for all to join in and make next
July 4th
doubly memorable. A committee has secured
some of the most amusing attractions of Bill's
Big Buffalo Show. Races, games and contests.
Many other interesting and attractive features.