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Bodoni Bold in Practical Display

Elegance of the
Bodoni Family
ANOTHER new and great type family is shown in
this Specimen Book of Type Styles. The new Bodoni
Type Family is going to be a long-lived fashion be-
cause the design is of classic simplicity, elegant, yet
strong, and like all real works of art its beauty will
be appreciated the more it is studied. Every printer
will find it profitable to show Bodoni styles to the
buyers of printing. The enterprising printers will
be certain to reap a splendid crop of orders. It has
been positively demonstrated that with the intro-
duction of each successful Type Family the demand
for printing has been both stimulated and increased.
Those who pay for catalogues, booklets, circulars,
and advertisements of every kind, are looking for
new business attractors in types. When a great type
design appears their interest in printed salesman-
ship is freshened and orders to the printers follow
Maker and Originator of the Classical Bodoni Type Family, the New
and Beautiful Type Family which will attract the many Buyers of Printing


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