Li ingi1( ( Caslanvs and ( Clistcr Black

7/c First Ancient Patriotic and Folk
of~reat cBitain and 31relanb as sung by
garb and linstrels in *aXon, 0aihr
and Cpmric tongues, now Translated
Under the Patronage of H. M. GEORGE III
AVOURED by the patronage of His
Gracious Majesty and the Ancient
Nobility and Clerical Highnesses of
F         these Realms, some Scholars of great
wisdom relating to Binstret Lore in
this volume have revived for the use
of all Right True and Loyal Subjects
of our Sovereign Master many of the Sacerdotal, C/i'valric
and Mystic Songs and Poetical Recitals which in the olden
times cheered and inspired alike the Warlike Camps and
Peaceful Gatherings in Castle, Abbey, Palace and Manor
Hall. These Binztreliet, the Inspirations of our ancient
National Prowess, are now printed for the first time and
made available as household treasures in patriotic homes.
Founded in the Year of Our Lord, MDCCLXVI
fje ncrient Vatriotir literature *oiety
Carter Lane and Ludgate Hill, London, E. C.

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