
Right Angle Pressman's Quoin Key
The Right Angle Pressman's Quoin Keys fit Hempel Quoins of any make. They are made of tool steel, each tooth being cut
and not drop forged. They are especially constructed for locking or unlocking a form under the cylinder without taking the chase
from the bed of the press. The lever is long, giving ample power and
a long reach.
Prices of Right Angle Pressman's Quoin Keys
ge+ t An,,, Pinn',, Quoin Key  Right Angle Pressman's Quoin Key, plain, No. 1and No. 2, each, $075
+wij                                                  Right Angle Pressman's Quoin Key, nickeled, No.1 and No. 2, each,  0
Presssman's Combination Quoin Key
The Pressman's Combination Quoin Key is made of tool steel,
seven and one-half inches long. One end is accurately cut to fit a
No. 1 Hempel Quoin and the other is drop forged to fit a No. 2 Quoin.
One inch of each end of the key is bent towards the same side of the           Presman's Combintio Quoin Key
stem at an angle of 107 degrees, raising the disengaged end one and
one-half inches from the form. The pressman is thus enabled to
reach under the cylinder and tighten or loosen quoins without in any
way endangering the matter in the form, or bruising or soiling his knuckles.  The shape of the end gives a firm, convenient hold
on the key, while the length gives ample power. This key will be found to be very convenient and useful in the pressroom.
Prices of Pressman's Combination Quoin Key
Pressman's Combination Quoin  Key, polished tool steel, each   .  .  .  .  .  .   .  .  .  .  .  .  .   .  .  .  .  .   .  .   .  .  .   . .  . . . $1 00
Pressman's Combination Quoin Key, nickeled tool steel, each...  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . .  .  115
Wickersham Pressman's Quoin Key
The Wickersham Pressman's Quoin Key, as its name
implies, is also intended for use in locking and unlocking
forms while on the press. It is decidedly a strong and well-
made key and ought to last a long time. It fits both the
No. 1 and No. 2 Wickersham Quoins and in offices where
Wickersham I  nan   , Qui Key           thesequoins areused thiskey is justasessentialastheCom-
bination or Right Angle Keys for Hempel pattern quoins.
Price of Pressman's Key for Wickersham Quoins, fits both Nos. 1 and 2, plain each.....  .  .  .  .  . .  .  . .  .  . $060
Combination Paper Jogger
Every cylinder press should have a paper jogger or straightener. The Combination Paper Jogger is made with
wings which are instantly removable when desired. There is no projecting rod on the front side to tear clothes. This
of itself is worth the price of a jogger. It has patent attachable wings for small joggers, by which letterheads etc.,
can be evened up. These are made to go on inside of others, and are hung with wire over the main wing, or evening bar. When
specified in the order these are included free with small joggers. For sizes larger than twenty-four by thirty-six an extra price of
fifty cents is charged.
Prices of Combination Paper Jogger
Hart Combination Jogger, 24x36 . . . $15 00  Hart Combination Jogger, 36x48 . . $18 00  Hart Combination Jogger, larger $20 00
Press Points and Wrench
These points are screwed in as far as the cross bar with
the wrench furnished, when they will stand the right height.
If a larger hole in the paper is desired, screw the point out.
This plan is far superior to the old method of driving a nail or
wire into the wood furniture soas to make holes intothe sheet.
Prices of Press Points and Wrenches                                              Preo int  nd wnch
Points, per dozen . . . . .$075  Wrench. . . . . .$075     FULLSIZE.
Adjustable Ball and Socket Drop Hangers                                            Iron Pulleys
Ironpuleysaresold either solid or split and the diameters
These hangers may be obtained either single or double      range from six inches to thirty-six inches, with widths of faces
braced. They all have machine-finished bases and bearings,     from three inches to six inches. We shall be happy to furnish
machine-reamed and faced.                                      list prices when desired.
P'ricesson apiplicat ion
Shafting                                                Wood-Split Pulleys
All shafting is cold rolled and turned, straightened and       Wood-split Pulleys are furnished in diameters ranging
polished. The diameters run from fifteen-sixteenths of an inch  from four inches to twenty-eight inches, and with widths of
to one and fifteenth-sixteenths inches, and the weight per     face from three inches to twelve inches. Orders can be filled
foot varies from 2.35 lbs. to 10.031 lbs. It is sold by the pound or  promptly. Quotations will be gladly furnished for any size
by the foot. and detailed prices will be gladly furnished on   pulley on receipt of inquiry giving dimensions required.
Overhead Fixtures
Include two hangers, two collars and set-screws, countershaft, two cone pulleys and driving pulley. In ordering Overhead
Fixtures always give diameter and speed of line-shaft. Widths of belts given for the presses are those we recommend. It is
possible to run ten by fifteen on a one and one-half inch belt or fourteen by twenty-two on a two
inch belt. We strongly recommend fixtures Nos. 19 and 23 for heavy Universal Presses.
List Prices, Dimensions and Style of Overhead Fixtures
fDiametrof        S  hipping  List Priee List Price
 iSTYLE     iSeedo  1)imeterof  Width of  1iiving  FOR PRESS  Weight  With  With
Ceoe     Het      Pulley             Pounds SolidCone Split Cone
No, 11 Light   .     3      6 to 9     1         8        8x12      135    $1500  $1650
No. 13 Light   .     4      7 to 10    1%i/      8        8x12      140     1800   1980
veheod      aNo. 15 Heavy . . .          8 to 10    2        8      10x15-12x18  161   20 00   2200
Fixtonen     No. 19 Heavy . .    3       9 to 12    2   .    12       14 x22     200    2250    2475
No. 22 Heavy . . .   4      10 to 13   2/       12       141x22    250     3000   3300
No. 23 Ex. Heavy .   3      12 to 15  31        16      Cylinder    400     40 00  44 00
Couplings and Collars
11 l- e inch 15-16inch  i7.ih   1 11-16 inch  1 15-16inchl
libbed Compression Couplings . .                                    . . .  $3 05    $3 65  | $4 20     $6 30    $7 40
Collars, safety set screw  .         . . . .             . . . . . . .       80        90     1 00      1 20     1 30
Collars, plain  set screw  . .  .    .  .  .  .           .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  5    55       60       70        80