
Oldstyle No. 581
5 PotNT OLDSTYLE No. 581
WHEN, in the course of human events, it heconies necessary for one Peopie to dissolve the political bands which
have connected then, with another, and to assunme, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station
to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle then, a decent respect to the opinions of ttankind requires
that they should declae the causes which inipel then to the separation. We hold these truths to he self-evident:
That alt imen are created[ eqoat; that they are endowet by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that aong
these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of hapi ness; that, to secure these rights, governents are in stituted
amriong mien, deriving their just powers front the consent of the governed; that, whenever any to  ot government
becomes destructive of these  ends, it is the  right of the people to alter or to  aolish  it, and  to institute a new
gove rment, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its lowers in soc torm, on to the,, shall see,
most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will d ictate that govcrmen ts long establishort
should not le changed for light and transient causes; anti, acordingly, alt expeience hath shownthatiankinI are
riore tisoned to softer, n-lil evils are sufferable, ta n to right themselves by ali shing the torms to which they
are accustomieil. int when a long train of abuses and usurpations, tursuing invariably the same object, evinces a
design to reduce thein under alsolote despotisi, it is their right, is theit duty, to throw off such goverunient
and rito provile ne guards for their fluture tec rity. Such has been the patient snufferane of these colonies, and
such is row the necessity ohich constrains the, to alter their former sys tem of goeroient. The history f the
prent King of Great Iitain is a his tory of repieateid intotiexs and hsnrai , all  i   in dict  jt 1t
estal ,h,,,ot    in oatisf,  t yran i y sver  t cise  Sr  te s Ti  rove  this. let facts l o s sl i csitts oacbsuci  world:
cIt as refase(, kiv assen to In te iot lol san  sitn necessary for w o the ponlitc goo; e has oritu dden his
governors to sass lawn ii i  eihate in, p tressing iLw sea rtoiuce, unless sos1e,
shiould tie, siiobtaied zic i, whtis uspnlende, li ha' isuttertly neglcted to aeuton thlscis; lie hssrfs  tic tinss
other, laws fur the acco,,,,,,oiation of large dis tricts 5sf peopl, u nless5 thiise pcoptle wouldrlnfil h right of
repiresentration in the legislature; -a right finest,,,,, tile to the,,, anti f,,esiidalate to tyrants only ; hoe has called to~gethser
legislative ities cit pilacon unusuals , uniufoisrtali suit listant I osss rtse stdiiitr ifthirilli errois tot
th  ole isirpase of fattiguing tsesin inta caiitian5cc with bis measures; he hslissaoest- rireseraionloae
-p~eatei cly- fur opposing., soill, manlty foisness, his ins asiansvon the tights of the pieople1; he has tofu veil for a lung
ti,,,e alfter s uch il issolutions, so callv, others to he, lectei; w herebty the legislative flowern, Ineatiabile if annihila-
tion,(have retotteil to thietpeopule at large for their exercis e, the state reiiiainursg, in the isivantinec, expiosei] to alt
the (Ing  of invasion  uas itvo. ans con esions sithin; he has eno avo e  to ireovent the poltiaon of
thes   s hh hae tinntie d thcing the anos otr naturatization of toteuigm es, toflsing to lios othe rs t en
thiorage the-irsiepgaation hither, anr tiwing the  las of nauriations of lands; h e has o trute  the
iliniration p  jestice,  t reloving Iis assent t a  restat tisig judiciary  owers; the has waie j
i   nlnt on his oilm atone, fur t  insro their offices, an i tie aont an faymtt of theirosv tati; heever
eneefod oo/If  vreo    be cm ad er hrder ,,,rm of/ieends to  he  ri oeefe, aPd oe o ee/r crb
toee aboli  it  d  o   in s ituie a ne   adii atarin   it  /tondaseat of osur pgi/turic  ae has
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meN, in te couse oj hutian events, ai bec  bles necessary o rine people to yssolve a   politic l
bandst which sthe cnnectecu tiaeoa  Bit ntier, ani to ifv some, ant ing te pcrners  the eri,
ice separalte atr eccl socttion to ssicl t oe isss of nctre und of natoue's aod entjtle their, a
decent respect to the opinowns of fankind requjres that thev siould    eclare te  eirses utic
impel ttenu to the sepratiin. \e told  tese trouts to be self-evident: sTht it nw tre created
ecl tct they aire endovec by their Cretor it certati inlientTble rightst t h eat ig these
are ljfe, libe rty, and tte prsuit of htappiness tht, tr seecre these rights, gcerntents  tre
inst tute it iing men, erising tejr jost posers from the consent of te governed trat  fenev-er
any fornof governtaaent becomes desrrstive t tese ends, it is t e right of tre peiple to alter or
to  bolisr it, tnd t institte if nerto  giiverntent, lhyingl its foun ction on such principles, and
orghniing its plers in Soct forn, as to them shal rsen most likely   rw effect their safety ane
ltippiness lisrudence, inee, vill cictate ith em il aerntents longesttablislte  sit oul t be changed
frir light ttnd transient ccfttses ;andl, acccireingl v, atll experietace it   shtowsn tithtt mnind ami tre
itore disposea tii suffer, it elcils ire suffercible, t f  to rig t t ieselves by tbolsitoin  tire
forthn  ti bici they are  sIcustoe ur But, fen t lung irino of ainuses ani wtsrptis , pursing
inssvricibly lre sctate object, evinces f     sesigt to redce thteas neler cibs lte despiitisv   it is their
righIit it is ltir edoty, to tichrow uhf sctLoern t  i  t proide new gnaris fur tteir futtre
Secutrity. Susch Ilk as been the patiet suffercaoce  if the se csslnijes, - m  schi is noiws the necessity
vsi1ii coinstrcains theta to ailter titeir ficrmer sy stenmts of giivernmrient. 'Te istoiry ofi the present
KIig sift Grect B hritcain is a t iistory of re'pecrteid injutries cind usurpcatioins, aill itatsing, in diirect oibj eel,
lice estciblc sli ent (31 ito cibsolute tyrcon  ove nr these S5itates. -T'o prove this, let facts be sutbmttied
to acitandicd wourld :Ile hacs refutsedi his cisseltt laws155 the mosist wh'oilesomnae cinci necessctry for tire
I -                           ~~~~~public gosod;lice hats foirbiddcetn his goivernoirs toi pasis lciws' iif itrmetdiaite candi prssing  impoairtcfnce,
tniess sutspendedi in ltheir siperciticin till his asvsent shuled be iobctmlitai   vs-li wen sia suispeneded,
ie e si  utterly neglected to ttene to tleeiad  lie is refused  t p   ither coys for the cccito-
tiiin of lcirge districts,, of periple, unless those peoiple wiulci relinctisi te right of represenci-
ion in the legisltutrel a rigit Iincestita cble to tteti a cnid foirnmjicible to ty-rants oinly; lie ha cs callecd
tigethter legislattise boeiies at plafees cuntsuatcl, utncoimtfortanble, cani distafnt frot the (iepiositry of
I/u-fr- pci/s/u a-ia- sir, for I& oleui pisi-ee if fil tI/i/iyIsas/u/-cuuptii i //u liiila"  /s urusrer- he /has
dicciil; ,d rsfiosciuiaIii huses ropsir/usI/y, fur oi5si -ui ik fi suitiily //-iireoc, /c/s /1-uccccsi-or I/M' r/ is
ibcleigflijii tnoupcj stttssvo- Ze
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