Rouse Mitering Machine
This machine has so many excellent qualities that it is claimed to be the most perfect imitering ilachine rarie. It is equipped
with a positive point gauge that sets instantly and locks automatically to points. This enables the operator to miter rules to ricas.
nonpareils or points, inside as well as outside measure. The construction and
operation of this gauge is shown in the X-Ray View.
Here the gauge rod A on which the gauge head E slides is
graduated to picas. It also has flaring notches milled on
one side six points apart. These notches are engaged by
four teeth of corresponding taper on the end of the locking-
bolt G which is held firmly in position by a stiff spring. These teeth are
self-centering, take op all play or lost motion and compensate for wear.
The point adjustment shown in the front view is secured by the
thumb nut B, one revolution of which moves the entire gauge six points,
M,           Itherefore one notch towards you adds one point, two notches two
points, etc. This is an advantage which printers will be quick to
The rule holder or guide is provided with two hardened
steel pins which engage in the circular slot in the table, and is
located and locked at the exact angle wanted. The tableis drilled .
and indexed for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 and 12 sided figures. Square sets
can be cut without any change whatever.                                   Mchi
The knife holder travels in two slots milled in the body of           Gauge
the machine. These slots, being wider than the guides on the
knife holder, permit the knife to be fed up to the work with each
downward movement. The inr fc  of the slots form a positive stop, beyond which the knife holder cannot go. The knife is of
the best tool steel, hardened an1d set in the knife holder at the right angle to obtain best results. It is provided with adjusting screws
by means of which it is held firmly and adjusted quickly. The edge of the knife can be easily maintained by noans of a jointer.
Price Rouse Mitering Machine, complete, with chip cup and jointer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -  - .   . .  - $20 00

Hansen Mitering Machine
As the rule holder in the Hansen Mitering Machine has an angle of ninety degrees, when it is placed in a central position, it is
possible to miter square sets without changing its position. By means of a pin it is easily set to any desired angle and as there ale
no lines to guess at the operator is enabled to obtain the required angle, absolutely
accurately at all times. It is graduated by twelve point ems and has two gauges. The
left hand gauge has a supporter which enters any one of the holes of even ems and by turn-
ing the supporter a quarter turn, it lengthens or shortens the measure to a six point em.
The inside measure is obtained by placing 2, 3 or 4 points between the supporter and the
gauge. The knife is held firmly by two screws and is regulated by two adjusting screws.
A jointer for sharpening the knife to the proper angle is furnished with each machine.
This enables the operator to have the same bevel at all times, which is very essential in
order to obtain a clean cut. The bed has an index, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 and 12 respectively,
representing the different angles for a 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 and 12 sided figure, therefore
dispensing with lines to be guessed at. The handle strikes a rubber tube, thus obviating
all noise and jar.
T1,,  ii  ne%;,,               Price Hansen Mitering Machine, complete, with or without chip cups . . . . . . . $18 50
American Lead and Rule Cutter No. 30
The well known American Lead and Rule Cutters were first made in 1899, and since that time they
have been constantly improved in design, construction and finish. Without a doubt today they are
recognized as possessing unexcelled merit, and are conceded to
be the best cutters made. Cutter No. 30 is the latest development
and has the following advantages: the gauges  Utility Lead Cutter
can be set instantly; they are self locking and
cannot slip, as there are no screws. They are  The strongest cheap lead cutter
"            guaranteed for accuracy. The mechanism of  made and a reliable and handy tool.
the Cutter is such that the gauges can be set
in a fraction of the usual time required. The
front gauge slides on a stationary rod, grad-
N/. o0   ad                            uated to picas and acts as a truss to the gauge-
JoO, Culeue           rod proper, thus forming a rigid construction. It is convenient              J
for cutting short lengths, as the gauge can be set to nonpareil
as readily as any other measure. The point gauge comes with the No. 30 Cutter only and can
be set quickly from six point to forty-five picas, by points. Capacity, 105 ems; by points 45 ems.  Price Utility Lead Cutter,.  $2 00
List price American Lead and Rule Cutter No.30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12 00
American Lead and Rule Cutter No. 20
This No. 20 Cutter is identical with the No. 30, except that it does not have the point gauge. The cutters are graduated to picas
and numbered every five ems up to 105 picas. The measure is indicated by the bed gauge when reversed and extended beyond the
bed. Sag in material is avoided by the support on the right. The extra foot at
the left hand of the bed steadies the machine, even when placed on an uneven
surface. Capacity, 105 ems.
List price American Lead and Rule Cutter No. 20 . . . . . $10 00
The No. 1 Cutter is a good serviceable machine, and is adapted
for small offices, paper box makers and for
cutting odd lengths. It has a reversible bed
gauge which is clamped and secured quickly
by a compression thumbscrew. The gauge is
numbered every five ems but is not graduated.
There are two rows of figures on the bed gauge,
one showing the measures in normal position
and the other indicating the measures when
the gauge is reversed and extended. The
e ad 7, ottr No,. 20  grooved bed, a feature of this machine, pre-  Led  le Cutte
vents slipping of thin material. The material N. I
and workmanshii of this cutter are the best obtainable. Capacity, fourteen inches.
List price American Lead and Rule Cutter No.1. . . . . . . . . . .  . . -............ .....800
We alro 1adle othe sizer and will be pler.- t quote prices and particlre
Rouse Lino-Slug Cutter
This Lino-Slug Cutter has been designed for cutting single
linotypeslugs. Besides being strong and compact, it possesses          earir w
many valuable time-saving and accuracy insuring features.
The gauge can be set instantly to any measure up to thirty-one
pieas, either by nonpareils or points. The gauge locks automat-
ically and cannot possibly slip or be forced back when once
unur.Irse Shinsrio .locked. It is accurate and remains so. The knives are made of
Sot viw.                     the best steel finely tempered. The upper knife is shaped so as to
secure a shear cut. It will cut the thickest slugs clean and
souare and of uniform length. It is the only slug cutter with a permanently accurate gauge on
which it can be set instantly. It is the only slug cutter on which the gauge cannot slip and on
which the last slug cut must be the same length as the first one.
Price Rouse Lino-Slug Cutter............................ ................$1200

