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The Robinson Improved Printer's Mallets
There is many a little printing office accessory, the utility of which has become so manifest and the article so generally used that
the wonder is the idea did not suggest itself sooner. This process will repeat itself in connection with the Robinson Improved
Printer's Mallet, the illustrations of which we
show here. The hammer head of this Mallet is
ovoid, or egg shaped. A blow struck upon the
planer is always a square blow, which is a most
important consideration when striking a proof.
It is not possible to strike a glancing blow with
this Mallet, There are no sharp corners to wear
away slip or mar the delicate type faces.
This mallet stands on end when not in use
and in correct position to be quickly and rapidly
grasped by the stone man at times when a
\ second counts in the lock-up.
The Robinson Improved Mallet is made
in five sizes of lignumvitae and hickory. The
Oobwn,      Mat                   best selected stock is used and the surface
is smooth and polished, finished with shellac.
Each single mallet is packed in a paper carton, properly labeled as to contents. A trial order for
one of those improved mallets will convince any printer of its superiority over other mallets.
List Prices and Dimensions of the Robinson Improved Mallets
No. 1-Ball, 4/.x4  inches-full length, 9t/i inches........  . . . . Lignumvitae . . . . . . $1 50  Hickory . . . . . $100
No. 2-Ball, 3%/x3ltto inches-full length, t inches              Lignumvitae.....     1 30  Hickory . .         5. .  7
No. 3-Ball, 31%x3/" inches-full length, 8 inches .             Lignumvitae ......    1 10  Hickory.            70
No. 4-Ball, 3Vx2%s inches-full length, 7% inches .              Lignumvitae.. .....    90   Hickory .           60
No. 5-Ball, 2%x2'/i inches-full length, 6% inches .      ..   . Lignumvitae.. . . . . .  70  Hickory . .        50
Wooden Mallets                                                     Planers
'These Planers are
TheseWooden Mallets are of attractive shapes;                                           all made of the
made of thoroughly well seasoned and selected                                          . best selected
stork; the handles are screwed in and all are                                              ck maple and
E -«S finished in oil. The lignumvitae mallets are           rs     "'.t.c,.aa                   hewilod
especially rec-                                              their surface
S        ornmended as                                                 "Inch longer
Ic','they are much                                         -than cheaper
heavier than                                                 woods. Those
Hic Mallet                hickors mallets.                                            Maple planera
st Prices of Wooden Malletsdurable.
wei nMae Plane small size 31x                                           inches, weight one and
itonequarter pounds. Lint price2.5...........                                                           $ 25
No.Maple Planer large, size x inches, weight one and
Stn                                                         threequarter pounds. List priceLis .p.r. . . . . . . 
igh3    en                                                Mat  Planer leather top, itxh inches. weight two
o    n e -haIfuiMalo pounds. List price............ . . . . . . . ..                                         10
Lis prie e0O25
No. 2.  ikuy mdium, size 3x5 inches,
weight one pound. Lint. . . .$030
No. 3. Hickory, large, size 31/x6 inches, weight is e n                      Proof Planers
one-half pounds. List price . . . . ....... . 040     These Proi-
No. 4. Lignumvitae, size  ax2%x3 inches, weight five
ounces. List price . . . . . . . . . 5....... .0   ..ade    ar all
No. 7. Lignumvitae, size 1/nx3 inches, weight seven         care ofullye-
ounces. List price .   .  .  .  .6............. 40  withfvery hih
No. 6. Lignumvitae, size 2i/xl% inches, weight ten
ounces.   List  price      . . .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   5 priced,  cl
No. 7. Lignumvitae, size 3x5 inches, weight one and one-     anden d urb
half Pounds. Lint price. .. ... .............60  felt Theyli i
Na. 8. Lignumvitae, size 3 /-x5%/" inches, weight two and         Te wl
one-quarter pounds. Lint price .. .. ...... ....5   produce sharp
No. 9. Wood, iron bound, weight one and one-half             clear proofs on              r   ai
pounds.  List price . . . . . .  . .  . . . . . .  . . . 1 00  being  struck
lightly; they are so made that there need not be the slightis
fear of injuring the type in any way.
Rawhie Bond MaletsProof Planer, stze 32tixS inches, weight two pounds.
Rawhide Bound Mallets
Price .. ..  ......   .      ...$o (;(I
These Rawhide Bound Mallets are extremely       Proof Plane  size 31/ s, i iih-, ii ilt list I t
d  I d mel made Th            two pounds Pric.      .                           70
luralti nneryapleO plaaiers

Idurable, finely finished an  an so  y  .
hide-facing cushions, with which each end is cov-
ered give a spring to each blow and prevent the
muscles. They
positively will
not split.
Rawhide  1ound Mill],t
Rawhide Bound Mallet, small, two-inch face.
Rawhide Bound Mallet, medium, two and one half inch
fare. Price....................
Rawhile Bund Mallet, large, three-inch face. List price, 1 00
All Rawhide Mallets
The All Rawhide Mallets, as their name in-
plies, have heads that are made throughout if
rolled rawhide, specially treated, formed ini
their shape by
means of by-
draulic pres-
sure and kept
in shape by                 All il-hide Mallet
waterproof                                    .
adhesives. They will be found serviceable mallets
for the printers' use. Each handle which is of usii 1ii, s irly
fastened into the head. These mallets are well made, strong,
durable and handsome in appearance. The heads are so made
that they will not split.
All Rawhide Mallet, No. 4. 2x3%/Lt inches, we ig ht ten
ounces. Price. .. ........ .........$0 75
All Rawhide Mallet, No.10. 2x3l inches, weight twenty-
fourounces (loaded).  Price  .  .  . .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . .   .  90
All Rawhide Mallet, No.5. 2%Yix4  inches, weight
twenty-one ounces. Price  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1 50

Linotype Planer
The Lino-
type Planer is
a necessity    L
in every offie
that uses the
Linotype m-
chines. Each
is faced with
rubber, which
removes the
Iurr from the
linotype slugs
without the
slightest in-
jury to the
face of the type. The Planer is well and st ronly mad, and
satisfactorily fulfills the purposes for which it is intendcd.
Linotype Planer, size 3%x6 inches. Price. . . . .  $.10
Linotype Planer, size 3'i x6 inches with leather top.
Price.  .  .  .  .70
The Rouse Copy Holder
This is a device for the job printer, practical and effective.
It saves time and patience and prevents the loss of copy. De-
signed as an adjunct to the Rouse Job Stick, but can be readily
attached to any composing stick by having the necessary
holes drilled in the stick for that purpose and putting it in
place. It is convenient and is becoming popular.
Rouse Copy Holder .                         . . .  $025