The Popular Steel Run Stands
Modern Steel Run Stands place the job compositor and the news compositor on opposite sides, thus preventing all interference.
Four men can work at the No. 22 Steel Run Stand continuously, and the saving in time will quickly pay for its cost. It is made of
N 7hardwood throughout, very strongly bolted, and the Steel Runs are New De-
iime              parture style, let into saw kerfs and held in place by means of lips at the lnds,                in
which interlock with wooden strips. There are no nails or screws to bcome                     * i   0 ,  ,
1115             loose. The stand is practically indestructible, and will give lasting serv ie-                   J    At I/   J /
The No.22 Steel Run Stand requires no brackets, as it is built with asis                                                   a
top to hold news cases. The job cases are put in from the back. The  i
an                      ample knee room for the news compositor, as the cases do not come
tn ~to a line at the front of the stand, but set back about five inches.
E                The blank space between the two pairs of news cases will serve as
ra                a galley board and type matter can be placed in this space to advan-
ra MRtage. It will also serve admirably as a lead and slug bank. Regula7
full size lip cases can be used and there is ample finger room be-
tween cases, so that pulls are not required. However, the with-
drawing of the job cases is facilitated by attaching pulls to thi
case fronts.
Occupies floor space twenty-six by seventy inches. Height at
front forty-four and three-quarters inches.
The prices given below are for the stand only and do not m-
clude the cases in the body of the frame or the news cases on top. --
Selection of case equipment can be made as requirements demand
Case pulls can be furnished in bulk to attach to the fronts
of old cases for four cents each, list.
List Prices of No. 22 Steel Run Stand w   ,
Capacity, Thirty-two Full Size Cas, ounds  Ii
Open  Front. . . . . . .  .  . .  .      .      285   $25 00
Closed Plain Front .N . .                                                          o3 28 50
Closed Paneled Front................211               :3o 00           Nn,. 22 Stiee an Siand. Front ir ,, r o N(,,,,.-
Job Caoeo Poii form iS, It-,,
This is an excellent line of moderately priced prin ting