

1 1101.

Page Form Storage Cabinets
It is only a few years since the letter board idea for the storage of standing matter was introduced. It would be difficult now
to find a printing office without an adequate supply of letter boards arranged under the stone frames or in suitable cabinets. The
letter board idea is certainly a most economical one and its general intro-
duction has led to other improvements along this line.
- .This new Page Form Storage Cabinet is primarily a cabinet filled with
small letter boards of a suitable size to take standard size book pages. Each
board is intended to take a single catalogue or book page. The idea has been
thoroughly tested by some of the best stone men in the country, and it has
met with unqualified approval. The page forms are stored away in the dust
proof slides until required, and the long label-holder attached to the outside
front of each slide enables the stone man to keep an accurate record of the
contents of the cabinet. These labels are changed from time to time as
the jobs progress. The labels are removed as the forms are taken to the
pressroom. The unlabeled drawers will always show the space available for
new page forms. The use of this
cabinet concentrates an immense
amount of material close to the
hand of the stone man, so that
there is little lost time in looking
for material when it is required.
Each slide has a back rail which is
removable, so that the type forms
can bepushedoutfromtheback rn
to the stone. The back edges of
the slides are beveled, as shown in
the illustration, so as to facilitate
the transfer of the type matter
fro the board to the stone.
These cabinets are constructed
of selected hardwood. They are
k thoroughly braced to standa
great weight, and are guaran-
teed to give perfectsatisfaction.
THE          Ico '         The woodwork is nicely finished
and the cabinet as a whole will
help to clean up the office
lago Form Sto,-- cabineot No. 5     and also give it an up-to-date  Detail showine conotruction of Pace Form Storag,
appearance.                          Cabinct-Note Back Rail in Drawer
List Prices and Dimensions of Page Form Storage Cabinets
No.         hac   Nu berof Tiero  Total Page Slidon  - Ii t nh  O ir e Di itOOONs  With _nce  Weight. Pounds  List P,ic
1        19           3           57            38            T1%          331            250         $ 49 00
2        19           4           76            38            17%            43%            340           62 00
3        28           2           56            57%/          17%o          23              250           48 00
4        28           3           84            57%           17%Y          337'           375           68 00
5   1    28           4           112           57/.         l7s          43%             485           85 00
6        28           5           140           57V           17s           54%e           600          100 00
Size of Boards, inside, eight by twelve inches. All prices subject to prevailing discounts
Book and Job Galley Cabinet
This Book and Job Galley Cabinet facilitates the handling of work and at the same time protects the type and plates. With
the index system, used in connection with it, one is able to locate any page immediately, thus economizing time and labor.
It has horizontal three-ply galley shelves, all numbered consecu-
tively. Each tier of shelves will accommodate fifty standard gal-
vanized iron galleys, size eight and three-quarter by thirteen inches,
the galley compartments being nine inches wide by thirteen and
one-eighth inches deep. Total capacity of cabinet, two hundred
and fifty galleys.
Two of these galley cabinets can be placed tightly together side
by side, or back to back.
List Price and Dimensions of Book and Job Galley Cabinet
Occupies floor space 14%ox52% inches. Height, 74 inches.
Weight, crated, 475 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75 00
Dorsey Combination Press Room Cabinet
The Dorsey Combination Press Room Cabinet holds everything
unsightly found around a pressroom. Will clear up the office and
--                                   reduce danger from fire. The top is  _.
covered with plate glass, substituting
the old ink slab. The ink cannot
penetratethe glass and can thus be
readily scraped off; copying ink is
as easily cleaned off as any other.
An  -Beneath the glass are receptacles
for inks, oil cans, tympan paper,
etc. Beneath this there is a drawer
three and one-quarter inches deep.
-       wherein are kept the wrenches
and the othermiscellanieswhich
should everbequicklyavailable.
Beneath this drawer is a com-
--           partment for scraps of paper,
spoiled sheets and anything of a
waste-basket nature.
-                                       The material is thrown into
this drawer through a peculiar
V-shaped open bin on the op-
posite side from where the
 AMI LTN  MFG                 drawer pulls; it is not necessary
THE   H       Ito open the drawer in order to put
Book lJob Galle Cabioet  the material into it, but it is only open when the
rubbish is removed to beemptied at night intothe
big trash sacks and carried to the furnace room.
Below this drawer is a compartment for old rags. This rag compartment is lined with metal     cs Comimo Fresn Boom
throughout to effectually obviate all danger should spontaneous combustion take place. This com-
partment is accessible from both sides of the cabinet by means of trap doors secured at the bottom with spring hinges. The cabinet
is mounted on castors and therefore can be pushed about the pressroom as required.
List Price and Weight of Dorsey Combination Press Room Cabinet
Weight, crated, ready for shipment, and including glass top, 150 pounds. List price. . ............... . .  . . $36 00