"(Dui non proficit beficit"
ClaSS of Ninee junbreb and zfuelbrv
4foiuntclair Collegac
requests the p1easure of your presence at the
omncement g$xercises
in llollege jall, thsa ebening
feptember t1e tfuentu-tIirb, at eigt o'clock
(flue. s411{Rembers
*a                            Naeeaule ARison~  phunht L 4*ac($rrcaor
an  Cirares fuenarton  ilitit igeleg Erocker
request the pleasure of
companu at hitur
i te ehining of P1suesbaU, tle tifuentV-sbeentlh of FJehruary
at lhalf after seitu o'clock
aId                                        abo