The Polhemus Cabinets
It is a remarkable fact that from the day of their first introduction the Polhemus Cabinets took the lead'and are still con-
sidered among the most poplo art eieahinets. Perfected by and nan. afterit he late 1M r. John Polhemus, atone time oneof the leading
printers of New York City, they were
//    thoroughly tested and their sterling             t p
qualities fully proved before they
were put upon the market. TheNo.4
Triple Cabinet with sev-
I le                                                                enty-five job cases is the
veritable printing office in
itself. It has steel runs and
contains seventy-fivecases;
ten sort drawers; storage
room for twenty double-
column galleys; fifteen
square feet of storage in
the galley dump for tied-
up matter and standing
forms; three pairs news
cases on top. If necessary
six men can work at this
Cabinet at the same time
without interfering. The
practical value of this
splendid Cabinet is greatly
enhanced by brass lining
the full length galley dump
shown in the illustration.
With such a bank no mois-
ture can enter the wood-
work and the life of the
Caibinet is prolonged indefinitely. (The extra cost
for the brass lining is $35.00.)  The labor of set-
ting type from the job cases is also facilitated by
MYi, ,,V~ipo      ,w             having brass label holders attached to the case
fronts, thus enabling the compositor to see at a
glance the face of the type in any job case. The increased capacityof this Cabinet, as compared with other Polhemus Cabinets, par-
ticularly those with wt ood runs, places it at once at the head of the list as one of the best and most compact type cabinets ever con-
structed. This Cabinet embraces
all the good features of Polhemu '    . I                      aI. , a  I
construction, combined with eas-
concentration. It has the ful
length galley dump, thesortab-
net, the galley cabinet closed
wvith door, and the patent tilting~o,,                                                   ,,,-
brackets with galley boards
under the lower cases.
No. 4 TniLE POLHE-
Runs, containing fifty two-
thirds California job cases,
twenty-five cases in each
tier, and twenty-five full
size California job cases, in
the center tier; three pairs
of news cases and three
pairs of No. 1 Hamilton
Patent Tilting Brackets on
top. Galley boards under
lower cases. Full length
galley dump, one tier of sort
drawers and one series of
galley shelves.
List Price and Dimensions
Height, 44% inches;                                                                 ON    qF CO,
width, 104 inches;                                                    TE MAM
depth, 27 inches.
Weight, crated for
shipment. 1175 lbs.
List price   1   lbs$140 00                                    N,. 4  2 iiof liii,ou  b,,nt  Ren, view
NOTE.-The galley dump on this No. 4 Triple Polhemus Cabinet can be furnished full brass lined, using No. 21 gauge patent
leveled sheet brass for the bottom and square brass tubing for the surrounding rim and division strips.  Extra to list price for
brass lined dump, $35.00.
The No. 5 DOUBLE POL  tEMUS CABINET illustrated here is also one of
the popular Polhemus Cabinets. Many printers prefer the tier of sort
lawes between the two tiers of eases, in lieu of the tier of galley
selves. This Cabinet represents the extreme of case concentration,
twenty-five cases in each tier within working height for type-
setting purposes. It has the full length galley dump and job eases
on the reverse side from the news cases. Four men can work at
this Cabinet without interfering. Polbemus Cabinets are essen-
tially space and material savers, therefore money malkers.
7                                No. 5 DouniE POLHEMUS CABINET. With Steel Runs, con-
taming twenty-five full size California job cases in one tier, and
twenty-five two-thirds California hob eases in the other tier, two
pairs of news eases ani two paes of No. 1 Hamilton Patent
Tilting Brackets on top, with galley boards under lower cases. Full
length galley dump and one tier of sort drawers between the two
liers of ases.
The series of P/lheniisCabinetsshown on this page willbe sup-
plied without brass lined palley dump uness otherwis< ordered.
List Price and Dimensions
Height, 44% inches; width, 71 inches; depth, 27 inches.
Weight, crated for shipment, 700 pounds. List
Price .......................   $95 00
NOTE.-TIbe galley dump on this No. 5 Double Polhemus
Cabinet can be furnished full brass lined, using No. 21 gauge
patent leveled sheet brass for the bottom and square brass tubing
N- ri i) ,,itni, Ciiimo   for the surrounding rim and division strips. All screws on the
"-  i            Polemus Cabinets are placed from the under side in order to make
a smooth all brass top throughout  Extra to list price for brass lined dump, $24.00. Brass Label Holders, 1x3 inches, attached to
any cabinet, at an addition to the list price of five cents per case.
The prices quoted here are subject to our usual discounts.

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