Suddard Block System.
There are certain essentials which should be embodied in every patent block, namely, ease of make-up, unlimited range of
possibilities in the size and shape of plates which the block will handle, absolute accuracy and strength which means rigid, un-
yielding impressions, and a lock-up which can be
- ccomlishel without reoringr to the use of
Dutchmen" or slips of paper between the blocks
in rder to get the form to lift. The hooks should
be of the right size and construction to insure
Id                                                                       ease of handling and at the same time permit
them to be placed at any point of the page de-
sired. This latter feature is found especially de-
sirablewhere soldered platesare used, as the hook
can then be placed to hold the plate at the solder-
...                        ing line, thus, even though the plate cracks in
the run, it will still beheld down in position and
ninc solid piece aswhen originally put on the press.
A\y'practical printerwill agreethatthe points men-
tioned above are important ones, and will want them
incirporated in the block he desires to buy. A descrip-
non of the Suddard Block System follows:
This system is made up in pages and multiples
thereof. Each page consists of parts as shown in
illustration No. 1. The largest size plate which one
140 r.                                                                 /page will accommodate is thirty-seven by fifty-two
Sb ?A Vto'                                                                                   I picas. The outside measure of the page is thirty-nine
Sp.,h-  by fifty-five picas. The pages are made up of a com-
bination of cast iron sections ranging in sizefrom six-
teen by twenty-four down to one by eight ems and
Xhave been so selected that it is possible with this system to handle any size page from seven by eleven picas up to the full size of a
single page of the block, or larger, by the addition of more sections. Around two sides of the block the sections are made with a
shoulder which permits the use of a ratchet to operate when ratchet hooks
Kr                    are used. The shoulder which is made on these blocks will be found to save      /jr
rear                  considerable time in the making up of book pages. The hooks used with
4=W                  the Suddard Block System are made either with a steel ratchet wheel or
with a slotted wheel which is actuated by a pin wrench, a more accurate
and positive method of moving the clutch-especially desirableon register
work. The hooks are made eight by nine ems in size. The top surface of  I
the hook is eight by eight cimis. Thi one em additional is for the getter.
With standard sets of
blocks the ratchet hook is
furnished. On order, how-
ever, the register hook will
be supplied instead of same,
withoutextra cost: or where
both styles of hooks are
needed, the extra part will
be furnished so the hook can  Cut N, '      1 1.sJlyS     51
OuN.4. Hooks ar      Cut No. 5.    befursed otheh cls of        o    ness ipas    ae pwt n7nn ipevcs
 n Thisisthebokfrregis- work at the price of twenty-five cents each. The construction of the book is cast iron.
I   ationhowsone     ter wor with   The hooks are durable and accurate and it will be found that they will lock better in the
for book work with  accurate pin-actuating  form as they are of cast iron, same as the other sections. The principal advantages of
ratcet for quick     clutch       the Suddard Block System are briefly given as follows: Make up to any size of page.
chaiwhere necessary, down to three-eighths inch. Wide bearing on clutches
and hooks to prevent digging into plates. Point system,
so type may be used in form. Absolutely accurate, rigid and unyielding; reduce make-ready time  -
and hold up under heaviest forms. Quick change of plates on book work. Hair-line register on color
work. Quick make-up, because of simplicity and few pieces. Hook and catches can be placed abso-
lutely any place desired on page, a big advantage where soldered plates are used. Our patented
books (same as we use on our other styles of blocks) cannot work loose. They stay where they
are put. No grooves to injure underlays. Indestructible-because made of iron and steel. On
illustrated work especially, it is admittedly advisable to mount plates on a solid, unyielding
surface. No shrinking or warping occurs and thus accidents are less liable to happen than
when wooden blocks are used. Sometimes in the past, where sectional blocks were used on
book work, it was the custom to fill in the space with low slugs. This entailed the loss of con-
siderable time and was unsatisfactory at best. Very often these low slugs would work up tir-
ing the run, causing offsets. Occasionally they got out into the forms, smashing plates and
doing considerable damage. As a time and labor saver the Suddard Block System not only avoids
all these contingencies, but cuts down the time on the make-ready from one-quarter to one-  Cut No.3.
half, and reduces the number of overlays and underlays necessary.                           oe. Siz., I  pi,-a,
Price List of Suddard Blocks
Equipped with patent narrow margin hooks, travels five picas, standard block height. All on the point system.
Price per set of 8 pages  .  . . . . . . . . . . . .  ... $ 55 00  Price per set of 32 pages . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $215 00
Price per set of 16 pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 00  Dust-proof cases to hold 8 pages, each . . . . . . . . . .  1 00
Each page is made up of all the parts as listed below, consisting of thirty-nine pieces to make up one Suddard Block. Blocks
take plates within two ems of their size and also seven picas smaller and reduce regularly by two ems.
Each Page                                         Price Each  Each Pae                                         Price Each
Caieiicc                                                  Contains                                            i
Three 8x9 Narrow Margin Hooks, cast iron, with gutters . $090  Three 8x8 Cast Iron Sections  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$0 101
One   9x9 Cast Iron Corner Section, with gutter . . . . .  13  Four 4x8 Cast Iron Sections .  . . . . . . . . . . . .  081
Five 8x9 Cast Iron Sections. with gutters  .    .   .   .  12  Three 2x8 Steel Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  05
Two   4x9 Cast Iron Sections, with gutters  .  .  .  .   .  12  One  4x6 Cast Iron Section .   .  .  . .  .  .   . . . . .  08
Two   2x9 Steel Sections, with gutters  . . . . . . . . .  06  One  2x6 Steel Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  05
One   16x24 Cast Iron Section .   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   .  50  One  1x8 Side Slug Steel..  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 02
Three 8x16 Cast Iron Sections . . . . . . . . .  . . . .  20  Three %xl2 Brass Catches .... ..  . . . . . . . . .  15
,                     Two   4x16 Cast Iron Sections.   . . . . . . .  . . . .  10  Two   2x4 Steel Sections...      ............       04%
Two   2x16  Steel Sections  .  .  . .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . .  09
Individual parts may be ordered extra at the above prices.
itr                       One ratchet supplied with each set, of either eight, sixteen or thirty-two pages. Three hooks and three brass catches figured to
Iio               each page. All nine-em pieces are grooved with gutter for ratchet. The ratchet wheel may be changed to pin-actuated wheel for
at0                  register work without extra charge, when desired, or sold extra at twenty-five cents each. Largest block thirty-nine by fifty-five
picas outside, largest plate thirty-seven by fifty-two picas outside. Smallest block thirteen by seventeen picas outside, smallest
3l Iplate seven by eleven picas outside. Thirty-nine by fifty-five picas is the largest block of which eight, sixteen or thirty-two pages
may be made with regular sets. Any size of page may be made by additional pieces, or a smaller number of large pages can be made.
For example, with a set of thirty-two blocks, sixteen pages can be made up to fifty-five by seventy-eight picas.
Ft.orfurther information regarding Patent Bloc/cs write for Catalogue.
Steel Keys for Register Hooks
These Register Hook Keys are highly polished, each four inches long, one end   -
to actuate Register Hooks the other for lifting sections.
Register Hook Keys, each.. $0 20  Two-inch single end flat keys, each . . $0 05         Stle Kcy for Regisera Hook

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