Linotype Magazine Cabinet
The advent and adoption of machine composition, especially in newspaper and book offices, has necessitated the introduction of
a special line of furniture particularly adapted to this class of work. The Linotype Magazine Cabinet has met with much favor,
and will be found a labor saving and convenient
addition to the equipment of the machine office.
It has a working top thirty-eight inches high.
It provides a place for all parts and accessories of
the Linotype outfit, including the heavy magazines.
The storing of these expensive parts is essential
and is well provided for in the large vertical
drawers, which are always accessible. Built of
hardwood throughout, substantially constructed
and nicely finished in antique or any other desired
shade. The back is paneled and well finished.
MATRIx DRAWERS. In one tier are twelve mat-
rix drawers with shelving bottoms sixteen inches
wide, each drawer containing eight grooves or
shelves, providing one hundred and twenty-eight
inches of storage room in each drawer, or one
hundred and twenty-eight running feet in the
twelve drawers. The drawers are on an incline,
thus keeping the matrices always on edge.
LINER DRAWERS. At the top of the middle tier
Li y,,e r,Maezine Cabinet                    are two liner drawers, size sixteen by twenty-eight
and one-half inches inside. These are partitioned
to accommodate all sizes of liners. Cleats engage the slots in the liners and hold them in position.
BLANK DRAWERS. Beneath the liner drawers are two blank drawers, size inside twelve and one-half by sixteen inches and two
and three-quarter inches deep. On the end is located another blank drawer, size sixteen and three-quarters by twenty-two and one-
half by two and one-half inches. These drawers will accommodate tools and other accessories.
EJECTOR BLADE RACKS. In the center tier at the bottom, enclosed by a roll front secured with lock, are three shelves for
ejector blades. Each shelf will hold seventeen blades; any size blade is held in proper position.
SORTS TRAY RACK. At the side of the ejector blade rack is another compartment, secured by a lock, fitted with flat steel
runs. This will accommodate eight standard size sort trays.
MAGAZINE DRAWERS. There are eight upright drawers with wheel bearings made to accommodate the No. 5 model magazine.
They are held on brackets engaging the lugs on the side of the magazine. If No. 3 magazines are to be accommodated they require
deeper drawers, and this size cabinet will hold five of them. In ordering state what magazine it is desired to accommodate.
GALLEY RACKS. These are arranged in double tier, fourteen shelves to each tier. Will accommodate twenty-eight standard
double column galleys eight by twenty-four inches.
CUPBOARD. On the opposite side is a cupboard with door, fitted with two adjustable shelves. Size twelve and one-half by nine-
teen and one-quarter inches by twenty-three and one-half inches inside.
WORKING Top. This top is of hardwood, one and one-half inches deep, cleated on the ends. Size thirty-seven by seventy-six inches.
The American Type Founders Company will be pleased to quote prices and submit sketches on any special cabinets required.
We are in a position to offer you suggestions in your equipment which will save you time and money.
List Price, Dimensions and Weight of Linotype Magazine Cabinet
Occupies floor space, 35x74 inches; height, 38 inches; weight, crated, 1,000 pounds. List price . . . . I. . . . . . . . . . $16000
Special magazine cabinets of any desired size can be made to order. Drawings and prices furnished on request.
Job Press Cabinets
A pressman's time can be saved and economy effected in waste of stock by the use of
this Cabinet. It affords a suitable receptacle for tympan paper, gauge pins and other tools,
benzine can and wiping rags. One cabinet will serve two presses when placed in the center,
a little back of the pressmen. Where space is available the best results are obtained by
having a cabinet for each press.
Each unit is mounted on an iron pedestal of convenient working height and on the
top is a plate-glass mixing slab. There is a special compartment for the benzine can and
to avoid the danger of spontaneous combustion, the compartment for oily rags is metal-
lined. The usual gauge pin drawer is provided.
There is one compartment for hard press board, cardboard and filler stock, in various
grades for use as draw sheets, also three compartments for slip sheets.
The Cabinets are made in three sizes, for eight by twelve, ten by fifteen and fourteen
and one-half by twenty-two inch presses. Intermediate sizes may be accommodated
in the next size larger.
As there is undoubtedly a desire on the part of many printers to improve conditions in the
pressroom we have listed here a very serviceable and up-to-date cabinet for the pressman.
While to some the investment in an article of this nature may seem unnecessary, yet un-
doubtedly the time is not far distant when such improvements will be eagerly sought for by
the discriminating and progressive printing office proprietor.
List Prices and Dimensions of Job Press Cabinets
Job Press Cabinet No. 1. Contains three compartments for slip sheets, 141%zx8 inches inside; one com-
partment for draw sheets, 141 zxll inches; metal-lined compartment for rags, gauge pin drawer,
etc. Height, 42 inches; weight, complete, 90 pounds. Complete, with plate glass top. Price . . . $15 00
Job Press Cabinet No.2. Contains three compartments for slip sheets, 171 zx101/, inches
inside; one compartment for draw sheets 17/ixl3 inches inside; metal-lined com-
partment plate-glass top, etc. Height, 42 inches; weight, complete, 110 pounds. Price 18 00
Job Press Cabinet No. 3. Contains three compartments for slip sheets, 24%/_x17%-, inches
inside; one compartment for draw sheets, 241%,x17 2 inches inside; metal-lined com-
partment, plate-glass top, etc. Height, 42 inches; weight, complete1,, Isuds. I  ice 22 00
Ink and Roller Cabinets                    -
Job Press Casinot           A considerable saving of ink and rollers
will quickly follow the introduction of this Ink
and Roller Cabinet. It is an essential portion
of the equipment of any printing office and is made in three sizes.
List Prices and Dimensions of Ink and Roller Cabinets
Ink and Roller Cabinet No. 1. With shelf for ink, shelf for brayers and slab
and brackets to hold 6 eighth and 6 quarto rollers. Weight, 75 pounds.
Height, 36%1 inches. Width, 2712 inches. Depth, 15 inches, outside. List price $6 50
Ink and Roller Cabinet No.2. With shelves for ink, brayers and slab and brackets,
for 6 each eighth, quarto and half medium rollers. Weight, 100pounds. Height,
361 inches. Width, 331/ inches. Depth, 15 inches, outside. List price .  9 50
Ink and Roller Cabinet No. 3. With shelves as before and brackets to hold 12
each eighth, quarto and half medium rollers. Weight, 135 pounds. Height,
481 inches. Width, 331% inches. Depth, 15 inches, outside. List price . . . 13 00
Ink Slabs, Marble
Marble, 8x12 . .  . .  .  . $1 25  12x18 .  .  . .  .  . $2  00  18x24 .  .  .  .  .  . $3  75
Prices quoted on this pge are subject Is prer iing  ioon to which will be quoted on applicstio.  l and Raile Cabinet

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