fletmishj Slack in p~ractical Displap
j       ISttstteeoration
uqgetionz for Zeautifping the    tnome iuitf) ctme! for 1nterior anb
exterior Decoration in Oarmonp tuitf) the *urrounbing Color effect
j0otes on the Rtelation of ILanbscape to Zuilbings in Oome Planning
be tasteful anb artistic becoration
of the bome ig a problem that 5a
receibeb a greatbeal of serious5tbougbt
in late pears anb the result has been a
great abbance in ibeas aub metbobs of
bome becoration.  fintere!teb turite to
Amero      aint company
-  onalb $treet, j   anflattan
Ar  t                                                               Iland BrdrN, 2 71)
OrWt Presbpterian Ofburtf)
Aerbices belb on *unbap anb ftonbay mornings anb ebenings
anb Zuebap anb ilebnesbap ebenings
non  Deoators                       813                          Idan 1Ho-J-,r so  (000 7