The Explication of the Figure of the  C A M E L I O N.

   T is reprefented alive, perched on a Tree f{mewhat crooked towards the
I fido whic'i it afcends, to difcover as much as is poi~ble, the top of the
Heavd, and bottom of the Belly.

            In Tbe Parts whzich the Diffeffion difco'vers.

A. 7T1e Ga/I-Wadder.
B. The left Lobe of ti e Liver.
CC. The right.
D. The Oefophagus.
E. iHe Ventricle.
F. lhe Pylorus.
G. The DuEtus Cholidocus.
h. Tke Vena Porta.
I. The Vcna ( ava.
K K K. TJe Intefiins.
L M. A Membrane which held all thefe Parts linkt together and fufpended.
N. Tie firjt Bone of the Sternum.
0. The le./t Lo' e cf the Liver.
P. The upper pasrt of t ;e Lungs blown up, andfpeckled with red Spots.
Q QQ. Th-e reft of the Lungs blown up.
R. 7The Afpera Art-ria tyed to keep the Lungs blown up.
S S. The Os Hyoides.
T. The Cartala inous Style, to which the Trynk tvbich fuflains the Tongme,
is faifl.
X X. The Toqgue.
Y. The Trunck drawn up.
Z Z. The K'idxeys.
r r. The Cornua Uteri.
. The ANcck of the Uterus.
K K. The Inteftines.
09 9. The Eyes.
s .x. The Optick Nerves.
F. The Brain.

  We did not think that the Skeleton needed any Explication, by reafon of
the 1eatreefs of the Figure, and thle exaanefs wherewith it is defcribed
tie Difcourfr'.