Of a   B E A      .                         4

 this distortion of the Crystallin/4s bein  prbal CAUfecl aftcrdi rie fun
 ner as it is feen to happen to thle eyes of Cllildren,wvhich linveirc !,e
ai '
 time couched in one place where they can only duiccrm the light 0oA1'quelyio
 grow a fquint by a dispofition which thCe mVulcl S of tie eCy do contradt
 ufe, and which changes that which is naturall to them)l, by the etenfit
n  It
 th e fibres of lome, and by the contraEtion of othiers. T his \voulc! nmake
ui i
 think that tliefe Fibres of thle L'iamentitm Ctliare are capable of a c
-ntrad ion
 and voluntary dilatation, like to that of the Fibres oftthe mufclcs ; and
 this aftion may augment or diminish the convexitie of thle Crystl/tinus
 ing as the need which the different diflance of the objeas may make it to
 have on the Eye to fie more clearly and diffindcly.
   The extream, leannefs of our two LBears,deprived us of the means of making
an experiment on their Fat, and of informing our felves of the trutlh of
AriJfotle, Tbeophrastusand Pliny do report thereof; that being kept all winter
it manifeffly increases in bulk and weight ; which being verified w. ould
firm the current opinion, that the Bea.r is of all Animals that in which
Facultie of growing is mofgpoerfull; feeing that being at tile begining of
Life almoft the leaf1 of all (for according to the report of Arifiotleand
it is hardly bigger then a 1