~2 ^2                   The A4natonuical Defcription
a great quantity of VefTels full of Blood. Aidrovandus con$teilcs that he
could never find thefe Pricks in the Oflrich: Aibertui reports that they
ferve them for offenfive Arms: fohnjlon is of opinion that they make uP3
thereof as of a Spurr, with which they excite themfilves to ipecd.  Tlhire
were two on each Wing, the greateft was at the extremit' of the latd Bone
of the Wing, the other was half a Foot lower.
   The Xeck Peemed more flender in proportion than it appears in other Birds,
 becaufe that it was not decked with 1Feathers, as was 1aid. The Skin of
 this Neck was of a livid flefh Colour; 6(l1uims makes it blew. The Head
 did likewilf appear very fmall, for the fime reafbn of the want of Feathers.
 Albertan finds it absolutely finall. Sca!iger has reafbn to reprehend Cardan,
 for averring that Birds have commonly the Head little, to the end that its
 weight may not hinder them from flying; becaufe there are a great many
 which fly little, as Hens, which have the Head much lets in proportion than
 other Birds which do eafily fly: But it is probable that Cardan found that
 his Theoreme was confirmed by the example of the 0/rich, which flyes not,
 and whofe Head without 'Feathers is abfolutely greater in proportion to
 Body, than it is in other Birds.
   The Beak was fhort and pointed: It meafured two Inches and a half
 broad at its beginning; its Figure like that of the reft of the Head, did
 in any fort approach the Figure which the Head and Beak of a Goofe gene.
 rally have, as thofe have ill thought who have called the Of/rich Chenocam-
 4tw, that is to fay Goofe-Cammel.
   The exteriour form of the Eye did fufficiently refemble that of Manf,
and was very different from the ordinary form of Birds Eyes, which have
the Aperture of the Eye round, and the upper Eye-lidd unmovable, and
without hair-; and the line which go's from one Corner to the other, always
oblique: For our Of/riches had the Aperture of the Eye oval, a great Eye-lild
at the top, which lowerd it felfe as that below was raifed, having great
Eye-lathes, which, as in man was a great deal longer than thofe of the In-
feriour Eye-lidd ; in the line which went from one Corner to the other being
ftrait, according to the direffion of the Beak, there was a third Eye-lid
the infide, as in the generality of Brutes : 'Twas a very thin Membrane,
wvhich was hid in the great Corner towards the Beak. Aldrovandus thinks
Birds have this Eye-lid, to fupply the defeEL of the upper Eye-lid, which
is fo
fhort that it cannot lower it felfe to cover the Eye as it does in Man. Butit
is probable that this internal Eye-lid has another ute in Birds, fecing that
it is
found in the Of/rich, whofe upper Eye-lid is large enough to be able eafily
lower itfelfe; add moreover that the inferiour Eye-lid fluts up inBird's
againfi the fuperiour, as exatly as the upper is Joyned in man with the
  The Tongue was fmall, adherent as in Fijles, compofed of Cartilages, Liga-
ments and Membranes intermixt with flefhy Fibres. It was different in
our SubjeEts: In fome it was an inch long, very thick at the Aperture of
Larynx; in others it was not half an inch long, but it was above an inch
wards tlhe bafis, being a little forked at the end. Beyond the flitt of the
towards the IPharynx, there were two great Glands, which furnified the