The I ND E X.

HIyp za/fricks, fetd Branches to the I

  Sc~,nt-Bags in the CCivt-Cat. I0I
9 7.1 of tthe Tortoife ftrongeff of all
  Animals. .                   254
jfi{ntr7n: and I/lelm  fhort in the Por-
  ca'ipne.                     I 5 0
Internld Eyelids, their firuture and
  ule.                         24a
  In all Animals but 3Men and Apes.
  towards the leffer corner in the Cha-
  rnos.                        142
Titeltines of the Dromedary very long.
  In the El1ke 48 foot long.   'I I
  In the Stag 96 foot long.    1 69
  In the Hinde 40 foot long.    171
  In the Coati-Mondi 7 foot long. il 7
  In the B'irbary-Cowv 78 foot long. 128
  In the Chamois 40 foot long.  144
  In the Civet-Catt hort.       1 03
  In the Cormorant 7 foot long all of
  a fize.                       I36
  of t he Indian-Cock 12 foot long. I 9 3
  of the Bufiard 4 foot: long.  201
  In the Demoifelle 6 foot long.  2C8
  In the Ofiriches of very different
  lengths.                     226
  longeft in Animals that feed on
  grafs.                       169
  In the Bear all of one fort.  46
Inteftine of a Sea-fox has a fpiral mem-
  brane in its middle.          71
Ivy, apt to grow where Stags-Hornes
  have been buryed.            169
K,idnel,' of the Bear divided into feve-
  ral Glands.                   46
  of Birds commonly large.     I87
  In the Canada-Staq lare without a
  4S/Iccentl~retl,,s.           170
  In the Civet-Cat the right higlher
  -and faftned by a duplicature of the
  Peritc,;A:Irn as in Mlai.    ICo
  ri cyh'lt igtherIn thl Cin  ' (.'i-A Jom+.d,. I 1 7
  Ln the L~r;,.'o.z;, toothed ll ) i!  a

  In the Galzeli almoft round.  5 .
  In the Indiar'-Ccck of conaiomeratetd
  Glands.                      '94
  In the Ljnx of a longifh figure.
  In the 0/inch not cut into thrce like
  other fowie.                 2 3 "
  In the Otter-feparated like the BLears.
  Thofe of thle Oviparous Animal9
  defcribed.                   I 7
  In the & a-Calfe like the Land-Calf.
Lachrym.a Cervi, what           I69
Lachrymalis dicfus, goes farther than
  the Glands in Birds not in Men.24 9
Larynx of the Sea-Calfe contrived for
  eating under Water.          123
Leggs of Eigles why feathered. i&84
  of the Toytoife very thort.  2 54
Ligamentum Ciliare its ufe.    49
Ligaments in the Elkes Legs very
ifrong.                         109
Liver, in the Ape confifis of five Lobes
  like a Dog not as in Man.   159
  and fpotted with hexagonal fpots,
  as in Bruits.                i6o
  In the Barbarian-Corp without lobes.
  In th e Bjiard very large.  I99
  In theCanada-Stag and H-inde with-
  out Lobes.                   170
  In the Cafjor of five Lobes.  Nq
  In the Cat-a-motintain of glands and
  has 6 Lobes.                  63
  In the Civet-Cat of 5 great and
  one fmall Lobe.              103
  In the Dmoifr//elle very large.  2c7
  In the Gaze//a made up of fmall
  glands.                        56
  In the Coati-mondi without any ap-
  pearance of glands.          1 17
  In the E/ke without Lobes and
  joyncd to the Diaphra7wc.   i i r
  In the Lp'x lkven Lobes and hike a
  (. af..                       78
  In thle Q/7,.-ic! of two Lobes.  2 ,0