XI 28                 The Anatomical Defcription
  \Ve found that all the particulars which are obferved in this Animal were
feen in the Blvalus which A4drovandus describes, and the Figure of which
was fent him by Horatim Fontana. There is only the bunch of the Sternum
which neither Aldrovandw nor Fontana do fpeak of. It is probable that this
Animal ought rather to be taken for the Bubaluw of the Ancientsthan the lit-
tle African Ox which Belonius defcribes: for Ariflotle compares the Bubalus
the Stagg. £liav reports that it is very nimble footed; Oppian attributes
it Horns bent backward; and Pliny averrs that it altogether resembles a Ca/f
and a Stagg. B3ut there is not found any of thefe marks in the Animal which
Belonitis describes, and they all occurr in the Animal which we fpeak of,
may be eafily demonifrated, if refleffion be made on all - the particulars
fore renarqued. But it is no wonder that Beloniimis deceived in attributing
to his little Ox the name of Bmbalms, feeing that Pliny teffifies that even
his time this word and appellation was very equivocal, and that it was given
to Animals which had no finmilitude with the Bubalm.
  As for the inward parts, the Epiploon inclofed and covered the J/entricles.
was Compofed of a Membrane very thin, but continued and not pierced.
IThe Veffels were included in a thick Caul. Its Ligatures were faftned to
two lafi Ventricles, viz. from the Pylorus to the fecond Ventricle, to the
u p-
per part which touches the Diaphramge, and from  thence it extended over
the two firfi, by bending it felf towards the left fide.
  The Ventricles were in number four. The firft and greateff was velveted
with an infinite number of fmall Teats, which made the exteriour furface
the internal Membrane of this Ventricle, as it is in the generality of other
mals which chew the Cud: but this Membrane was eafily feparable from the
external as in the Gazella. The fecond Ventricle had its internal Membrane
iii form of Net-work; and this Net-work, as in Sheep, was nothing elfe but
the Folds of this Membrane, which was loofer than the external; and thefe
folds were of different Figures, fome Triangular, others Square, and others
Pentagonal. Tie third, as ufual had its internal Membrane much loofer than
the fecond, and the folds which it had were more raifed, but they
were all ranged long-wife, making as it were leaves indented. The Fourth,
which alone was greater than the Second and Third together, was likewife
filled with Leaves; but they were without indentures, and their Situation
was tranfverfe, as it were to ftop and retain the Nourifhment a longer time.
Such a Strua-ure has been obferved in the Sea-Foxw here the Cavity of the
teftine was interrupted by Membranes tranfverfly fituated, and difpofed like
a Snai/-Jhell or Newel of a winding Stair-cafei; and thlis very tranfverfe
tion of Leaves has been found in the Caecum of Apes, in the Colon of Hares,
and Rabits, in the Colons and two Cecums of Oflriches, and in the Jejunarn
Man. The Colour of this laff Ventricle was very different from that of the
others, being of a very darkred.
   The Inteftines were all together feventy and eight feet. The Cecum was
eighteen inches long, and three broad. It had a Nervous Ligament, which
neverthelefs caufed not any Cells.
   The Pancreas was faftened along the little Ventricles. The Spleen was
inches in length and four in breadth. It was half joyned to the Ven-