The Meafure of the Earth.
I he Meafrzze of the Eartb.                    I 7

The X Triangle I K L for
       K L and I L.

The XI Triangle
           L M.

KLM for

L I k 5980 3 1 ' 30o1
I K L   58  31   00.
I L i2.683 Toyfes.
Tlhence K L   ixi88 Toyfes
                  (two Foot.
And I L   iii86 Toyfes four

L K M   z80 51' 30"/.
K ML 63 31 00.
K L iII88 Toyfes two Foot.
Thence L M 6o36 Toyfes two

The XI1 Triangle L M N for
           L N.

L M N 600 38' 00c.
M N L z9 z8 zo.
L M  6o06 Toyfes twoFoot.
Thence L N I069 I Toyfes.

The XIII Triangle I L N for
            N 1.

The fumml of the Angles I L K
K LM    MLN, being taken
from 360, there remains
ILN 1190 311 40j/.
But L N I069I Toyfes.
And I L I I 1 86 Toyfes four
Thence I N i8905 Toyfes.

  So it is that upon the foundation of the firil Bafe A B, which
was adually meafured, we have concluded the length of the three
Lines E G. G 1, I N, from Malvoiline to Sourdox.
  'But becaufe the four laft Triangles were not accompanied with a
verification, and becaufe we had a great defire to have a new clear-
ing of the matter upon the VIII and IX Triangles, we judged it
neceflary to come to an a6tual meafu-re of a new Bafe.
  The Line of diftance L M between Coyvrel and the Mountain of
Boulogne was found the moft proper to ferve for this laft verifica-
tion, not at all for that this Line could be a6tually meafured, but
becaufe it paffed a crofs a great plain where we had the conveni-
ence to take the tranfverfal Bafe X Y from the Mill of Mery, even
almoft to the Valley of St. Martin within a pace of Mont-dedier.
  Which Bafe adtually meafured with the fame Pike Staves made
ufe of for the firft meafuring, and which had been verified all de
nov, was found of 3902. Toyfes. See here the Calculation which
was made thereupon.
