of the Demoifelle.           21 1
  In the PAxcrets of the Of rich
  quite feparated and diflind.  2 3 I
  In the Craw of the BuJtfard molt
  diftin&L of any.             244
GlandAla Lac7'malis, in the Elke an
  Inch and lhalfe long.        110
  fwelled by fyringing into its Dut-
  xu in the Demoifelle.        2 I I
Glandula Pincalis, in the Dromedar
  compofed of three others.    41
  In the Chatpard no bigger than a
  Pin.                          65
  In the Lysnx very finall.     79
  In tne Lyon diaphanous and finall.6
  In the Civet-cat no bigger than a
  Pins head.                   103
  In the Elke very big.        112
  In the Sea-ca/fe large.     12 5
  In the Chamnoi4 a Line diarmeter. 145
  generally very fmall in Fierce and
  Cruel Creatures, and very large in
  Fearful ones.                I 1 2
Glottis, in the Camelion tranfverfe. 26
  In tile ortoife exaaly clofed. 264

Hair, of the Beaver without cavitys.
  of two forts in fome Animals, and
  why.                           ib
  of the Civet-Cat darker on the Bel-
  ly and Throat, than elfe where,
  contrary to other Animals.   ioc
  of the Eike fpongy and porous like
  Ruffies.                     log
  of the Sea-Calve's Skin not altered
  by the weather.              1 22
Head, of the Ape has no Apophyjis Maf-
  toides.                       163
  of all Birds proportionably fmall.
  of a Tortoife being cutt off firred its
  Jaws for half an hour.       254
Heart, of the Lyon biggcr than other
  Beafts.                       6
  of a Dromedary large.         40
  of the Cajior has the left Auricle
  bigger than the right, and the ro-

  raxwen Ovale not difcernable.  89
  ofthe Elke feaven Inches long and
  five thick.                  I I
  of the Coati like a Dogs the right
  VentriciL being larger.     I 17
  of the Gazella 4-1 and 2 2 Inches.
  of tle Sea-Fox without Pericardi-
  UrM, but fuch a Membrane encom-
  paff the Aorta.               72
  of the Lynx like a Catts.    79
  of the Civet4'att like a Dogs.  103
  of the Chamois has a Callous Apo-
  pbyf"s.                       144
  of the Stag and Hinde large. I 70. 1 7 1
  of the India n-cck fmall.   194
  of the Tortoitfe has three Ventricles
  and is largeft from fide to fide. 2 5 9
Heart and Lwvgs, how formed in Am-
  phibious Animals.              ib
Heart and Liver of the OJiribh includ-
  ed together in one Cavity.  232
  of the Pint4do defcribed.   I80
Heart's motion in the Tortoife.  262
Heart of the Sea-Calfe defcribed.  24

  daifers much from the caflors. 12 r
  In Birds has no Valves in the I1ena
  Cava.                        2 3 6
  In Bruites more pointed than in
  Me n.                        i62
Hedg-hog's Skins ufed Anciently for
  Brufhes.                     153
Hens,, almoft the only Birds that va-
  ry their Colours.            175
Hepatici-duwu, two, as many Par-
  creatici and one Cyfticus in the Indi-
  an-Cock.                192. 193
Hole of the Ear, wanting in the Came-
  iona.                         2 1
  uncovered in Pintados, but fmall.
Hornes, of the Antilope and Sheep de-
  cribed.                      54
  of the Canada-Stag defcribed.  i6l
  of Bruites how nourifht.    T68
Horny Creft on the Cojfowar's Head.243
-yvena of AriJfotle our Civet- Cat. ioo.

Mm2                          Hy-