17S                    The Axatomical Defcriptilo!
  The Globe of the Eye in the Female was in its greateft breadth an Inch
half Diameter. Th at of the Male was three LiinIcs lefs. The Cornea had a
Convexitie which made it to rife above the reft of the Globe of the Eye,
which was flatned before, as it is ufual in Birds and Fiffhes, which have
the Globe of the Eye f1 Splhxrical as Terreftrial Animals. The Cornea in
one of the Eyes of the Male was not trantparent but had an opake whitenefs.
BIcween the, Cornea and Cbrvkallinius in this Subjea the whole Aqueous
Humour was found liardned and as it were petrified, about the thicknefs
of two Lines. This Catara& was placed in the Iris, which was of a mi-
nirne Colour, and which fiem'd to have been altered therefrom. The
C. rYanlwins was four Lines and a half broad, and three and a half thick,
ing more convex on the infide than the outfide. In the Female one of the
Eyes was likewife fpoiled, all the Humours and Membranes of the infide
being corrupted, fo that the whole was diffolved into a reddith water, with-
ouL any appearance either of the Cryfa/liine, Aqueous, or Uitreous Humour.
The hole of the &Uvea was clofed by;a thin, hard, and trantparent Membrane.
Cortefius who has obferved this Membrane in the Eye of an Eagle, reports
that it is found only in the Species called Ollifraga, which Arif/otle for
reafon calls Eparyemos, that is to fay which has as it were a Cloud over
Eyes. Our Eagle was never the lefs very different from the Of Paa, which
is not a true Eagle, but a kind of Valtmr, whofe plumage, according to A-
ritfotle, il of a whiieifh Gray.; which has not any 'refemblance with- our
  I'l he Optick Nerve was in this Eye extraordinary foft and tender- The
0kemlbrae which is peculiar to Birds, and which proceeds from the Optick
NTerve, makeiln, as it were a Purfe which gos to faf'en it felf at the other
end to the Ligamentum Ciliare, was very black, and even more than the
Choroidcs. Aitlio' we called it a Membrane, becaufe that it appear'd a
Membrane plaited, yet it was only a company of great black Fibres, which
lald 'onie reddisha ones in the middle, and which appeared to be Veiffls.
Optick Nerve from whence this Membrane did proceed, was flatted, make-
ing as it were a cleft three Lines long. The IBans of this Membrane which
was of a triangular Figure, had the lime breadth, and five Lines from its
l1afs to its point.  The Retii-a was very thick and Opake, efpecially all
bottom of the Eye, where it was plaited and wrinkled. In this place there
was no 7Tapetirn over the Choroides.
  In one of our SubjeEts a Remark. was made upon the flruaure of the Me-
dulla Spinalis, which was at firft thought to be peculiar to this Subje&,
which was afterwards discovered to be common to other Birds. It was
found that tow ards the middle of the Back the exteriour part of the Marrow
was divided and feparated in two, and afterwards rej'yned; the interiour
part remaining intire, and being only dilated: which makes the Figure of
a l2af. This 1eparation of the exteriour part, and this dilatation of the
lriout, was an Inch and half long, and eight Lines broad in this Subjeff,
in other Birds proportionably. We always found in the Cavitie which the
two feparated parts do leave in the middle, a white and glutinous Humour,
which appear'd to be the Lymphatick Humour condens't.
