I 9S                   Tbe Anatomical Defcription
the is.jt rd only is atraid of Doggs, becaule that it raitLs it felf fb little
frionm the gtrounld, and go's fo flowly, that they can ealily catch it.
  'Tis upon this account that it has been by the Latins called Avis tarda,
from  whence is derived the word Otarde in French, unlefs it be taken from
it s (ireik NiMr, wvhiclh is Otis ; altho the Arcients have fpoken very varioufly
of the Otis, to rnake it doubted whether it is our Bijlard.  Albertus calls
1Eizflard.a, ind gives to that Epithete, ill borrowed from Avis tarda, an
!();e nhch  orfe ; for he thinks it is fo namcd, becaufe that it generally
makes two leaps when it begins to fly.
  Tlhe 1>11 !mae was of fix Colours ; viz. white, black, amh-colour, brown-
gi ay, and roli-colour.  The Belly, TIhighs, under-part of the Tail, an d
Willgs were white. It is'probable that Bdonius, who makesa the top of the
W\ings wlhite in the Bif/lrd is miflaken j becaufei thiat generally Birds
l ave any diai lr Colour in tleirPlumnage, have it ordinarily on the Wings
Bacd.: \: hicli is oble rved in other Animals, which have the Back alft brown-
er -i'n tkc Billy. TIhQe fore-part of the Neck, the Head, and middle of the
upp.cr parlt ofthle \VWings were of an afm-colour. The hinder part of the
N\ck, .tbLuck, the lLpper part of the WVings near. the tup, and the top of
the Tl ail v  e icdItreak'r with black, long, unequal, and as it were inter-
I lruptC( fi)ots, as in PI7tridgcs.  This made us to think that Lijan intended
to fj)cik of tlhe Bu/lard, when he faiy's that in the Ixdies there are PJatriges
as bigg as Grefr.  The extremities of the -Wings were of a dark-gray. All
the Feathers in general, excepting the great ones, which are t the en4 of
tle Wings, hIad neat tlhe skin a down of a very lively red, itcliiiing to
a rofe-
colour. 'Ille Quill- was alb of this faime Colour at the end. T- Ihere were
fomc of the Feathe-s which, (befides this Dowr fafiened to the bottom of
the Q5uill, hladlanher, which I afterC  very e~traordinary manner, pro-
ceeded Sfom their ektitemitie, the middle of the Feather being compofLd of
firm Beards clafped to each othe5, as 'they aremin Feathers which do ferve
flvingg, and the reft being as it were fjplitt and divided into an infinite
er- ot very {imllat hikes.  t4+;    '
  The lc Beak was of a fomewhat darker-gray than the Plumage ofthe HIead.
It x vas three Inches long from the Eye to its extremitie.  It had alniof
1hape of a Turky-hens Beak, and refembled not, as Gcfncr reports, the Jeak
of the Eigle, which is very crookedl.
  The Leres and almoft half the' ThIighs "were covered with littlehfinali
of an He aScrial Figure, the greate tof which exceeded not one Line cverv
way;   Th1e Toes of the Ecet were covered at top with fquare, long and ftrait
Scales.  All the Scales were of anr afm-colour, covered over again with a
Iniali Skin -,which was raifed like the Heckle of a Serpent.  The bottom
the Foot was covered withl a Skin fpeckled like Chagrin'e.  The Toes wQre
in number only three.   The hinder one was wanting, and in the placc
thereof, there was- a CAllfitie about the bignefs of a fmall Nut  The greateft
of the Toes was two Inches nine Lines long.  The Talons were large, flortr
a little crooked, fomnewhat poimted, and almoft like to the Nails of Man
being of an oval ligTure: but what they had moft remarkable; is that they
were convex underneath as wvell as at top; wliich rendered their Sedion Le;-
ticzilar. Belonits Iays that thie kind of Eagle called 1aliactos, has its