2 2 4                   The Anatomicsl Defription
ther did compof& one fingle Ventricle. This Conformation, ( which, in
ral, is very different from that which is common to Birds, where the Crav
is us'd to have a Contraafion which Separates it from the Gizzard, ) was
wife -more ftrang, by reafbn of the Situation that itoad: for it was not
in the Stomach, but it was lower than the Gizzard underneath which it de{:
cended, and towards which it afterwards re-afcended, fo that the entrance
of the Gizzard was througIh its bottom; and thus the Orifice, which is com-
monly called the fuperiour, was indeed the inferiour.
  In fome of our Subjeas, the GizZarrd was Separated on the infide into two
Cavities by an Eminence formed by its Mufculous Flefh, wIhich, towards the
middle, was above two inches thicker than eany where elfe. This Eminence
contraa-ed the intc nal capacity dirfctly over the middle, and feparated
it on
the left fide, where was the inferiour Orifice, called Pylort. The Figure
of thefe two Cavities did not outwardly appear, the flefh of the Gizzard
ing equal; and the whole together had the Figure of the Ventricle of Man,
making an oval, which was fifteen inches in length and eight in breadth.
2li an feems to give fcveral Ventricles to the Oflrich, as to Animals which
chew the Cud, when le fays that this Bird digefis Stones in the Ventricle
called Echinos, which is the fecond Ventricle of ruminating Animals, which
is fo called, by reafon that its interiour Membrane is filled with wrinckles
armed with points like the Hedg-hog, which the Greek-s do call Echinos: but
this fort of Ventricle was not found in our Subjefts. It may only be faid
the Ventricle of fome of the Of riches that we diffeded is double, and not
they have two Ventricles; feeing that both the parts of the double Ventricle
are covered with the fame Membrane, and that this Membrane is different
in the different Ventricles of Animals which chew the Cud. For the Mem-
branes of the Crarv were garnifhed with Glands regularly ranged, and framed
like the ends of fmall Pipes, being round, and pierced through the middle
the part towards the infide of the Crawr, and unequal on the other fide,
ing comalpofed of feveral Graines, after the manner of conglomerated Glands.
And in this they differed from the Glands which are found in the Crams of
bem'ifelles of Nurnidia, Geef/, Ducks and feveral other Fowl, where thefe
GLands are feen pierced only as in the Oftricb, but they are fingle, and
of the
hind of thoie called Conglobated.
   1Fhe IMenibrane that coated the infide of the Gizzard, and which was ea-
fily ie.r-able therefrom, was a line and half in thicknefs in fome of our
jec's:  It was composed of two parts, viz, of a Tunicle which was immedi-
Italy faftened to the Fiefh of the Gizzard, and of a heap of little Glandulons
: wodhes wllich made a kind of Velvet. Thefr fmall Bodies, in molt of the
Su>Dijct Itsrvcre fb minute, that they appeared to be rather Fibres than
in Itnc t Lay were about the bignefs of a great Pin, and above the length
a  iLhf'.  i They wdere loyned and glued to each other, as the Fibres are
V- Wood.  lherc was a great many places where thefe Iinall Bodies were fe-
jvirated, and made feveral clefts or chincks. The Ventricle of the Coroio-
,-axi was aliioll of this Struacure.
   1'ife{ Vetl.Iri'Zes were always found full of Hay, Grafs, 1 rlev, Bean;
Bones, amd Stones, of wvhlich there were fbme as big as a Pullets Egg. There
Were    Ic  fobine Eoi>Xhlcj: in one we counted ldventy of themi. Tlhey