Attcr having fi wcd on both the fides, the Bone w hich in manner of a
Skull, makes the Cavity in which the Entrails arc cnclofed, as has been faid:
And after having quite cutt away a Membrane adhering to the part of this
Bone which is underneath, and which makes the Belly, (this Membrane fup-
plying the place of the Peritonxuw towards the bottom, and of the Pleura
wards the top ) the Internal parts which prefented themselves to view, were
the Ventricle, Liver and Bladder, whofe greatnefs was fuch, that it covered
the Inteftinef, and all the other parts of the lower Belly.
  'I'lhe Ventricle was placed undernicath the Liver, to which it was falned
means of feveral Veffels. It was rine Inchcs long, and three diameter. It'
Tunicles were very thick, its Orifices ftrait, and the Membrane which makc,
the Velvet was folded and bearing forms like Leaves extended accord ing to
i S
length. It had the Figure of the Ventricle of a Dog; Severinus attributes
it that of the Ventricle of a Man.
  At the end of the Ventricle, the L-.teftine wvlicli one may call the Dmode-
nurm, had in its inner fide Plaits or Folds like the Ventricle. Their Figure
was Reticular ; which might give occafion to believe that it was a tecond
Ventricle. The reft of the Inteflines were compofed of very thick Membranes.
The fmall-Gutts were one Inch diameter, and nine Foot long: The Valve
of the Colon was formed by a circular fold of the Internal Membrane of the
Ileum. There was not found in the Ileum, nor Colon, the Leaves that we
have obferved in the generality of Animals. We found no Cxcumn. &everf-
nus attributes two Cocums to the Tortoife, refembling thofe which are found
in Birds. The Rellum, at nine Inches diftance from the Anu, had a con-
traaion like the Rump of a Hen,round which there were three round Appen-
dices of a different fize,which feem'd formed by the Internal Membrane of
Rearum; and which were covered over with Wfhy Fibres extended accord-
ing to the length of the Appendices. The reft of the Relium which reached
from the contradfion to the Anus, did ferve as a Cafe to the Penis, as is
ferved in the Caftor, Civet-Cat, and feveral other Animals. Among the fmall
Water Tortoifes we have diffeded; -there was found towards the extremity
of the Rentum, two Bladders, which had communication with the Inteftine,
and which fwelled when that was blow'n up. Thefe Bladders have not been
found in great Thrtoifes.
  The Liver was of a folid Subfrancc, but its colour pale; it was of a confi-
derable bignefs, and feened as if it were double, being feparated into a
and left part, which were joyncd together only by an Jthrmus of one Inch
broad, and by Membranes which did convey Veffels from the left part to the
right. Each of thlefe parts had a Pena Cava proceeding out of the Convexity
which faceth the Diaphragme, and each of them a Ramts Hepaticus going out
of the hollow part. The left part of the Liver was the greateft, being di-
vided into four Lobes. The firft and biggeft was on the left fide: Thle fi-
cond, whofe bignefs was of a middle fize, was under the firfm. The third,
which was fomwhat leffer, was extended towards the right part, and pro-
dticed the Ifthmus by which the two parts were joyned together. The fourth
was lengthened like as the third, over which it was fituated, to go joyn
it felf
to tile right part, to which it was fafined only by a Membrane and fome
Veffels, which this Membrane did convey from one part to the other; fuch
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