
         The xE plication of tbe Figutre of the Indian Cock.

O     F the two Indian Cocks, that is reprefented in the lower Figure whofe
      Beak had no Bunch, but which had three points at the end; and
which had no white Feathers at top of the Tail; becaufe that the other is
found figured and defcribed iM Aldrovandzu.
                          In  the Vpper Figure.

A. Is one of the Ecaters of the Crefl in its Natural liggnefs.
B. Anmther of the Feathers of the Creji, wphofe Fibres are halffhut tip in
a  4Mem-
  branous Dudlus.
C. 7 he Ecak, :dich has no Bunch at top, of its Natmralfize, and divided
  three at the end.
,. The Beak which hm a Bunch.
D. 7i e L ver.
e. The Oval Gall-Bladder.
F. The Ramus (fyfticus.
g. The two Remi Hepatici.
H. l he fingle Pancreas.
I. The Duaus Pancreaticus.
K. The Afpera Arteria flatted, but lefs doubled than the other.
L. Tke Afpera Arteria mopt doubled.
M M. bThe Kidneys.
N N. The Aorta,
0 P P. The Vena Cava, which is divided into the Branches P P, laid on the
  neys, to jvlich they are fajiened, and do ferve for Emnulgents.
Q   . QThe Branches of tbe Aorta which do make the Crural Artery's
RR. RJe Ureters.
S T. The Vafa Deferentia.
X X. The Tefficles.
Y Y. The Epididyniides,
Z Z. Tke eAtremitie of the Reaurn.
V. The Penis faJLened to the Reftlum.
r. The famie Penis lifted up, to difcover the hole of the Reduum which is
  r and P, and the Aperture of the fack which is under the Re~tum, which
  pening is und. rneath [l .
T. The Anfraauous Gall-Bladder. having the Figure of a Cxcum.
cz3(. T'he Two Duaus Hepatici.
> The Dubdus Cyfficus.
J J. lIhe Two Dufns Pancreatici.
   The right Pancreas which is under the Mefentery.
V i. The left Pancreas which is l..yd tupon the Meenterv.
                                                                 TH E