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  Hi Bird'is 'called a Cormorant, that is to fay Croaw-Marine, becaufe that
TJit is generally all black,and is an Aquatick Animal. Ge/ner ~fays that
is~ for this reafon that it is by Albertm~ Ma~gnus called Carbo aquati.CUS.
Gaza is
of Opinion that the Corax of Arftotle is this very Bird, not only by reafon
of the Grgeek Name, which fignifies Crow, but likewife of the other mark's
by which this Philofopher defigns it~which do perfedly agree with the Cormo-
r~ant that we defcribe.
  It was twenty feven inches from the end of the Bill to the extremity of
Tail, and three foot and a half from one end of the Wings expanded to the
other. There are feen a great many larger on the Se-a-Shore. Its whole
Plumage was Black, or a very dark gray, fomnewhat greenifh on the wingsS,
except the Belly, and under the Neck, which were covered with white Fea-
thers, the end of which was blackifhli which made thefe white parts to feem
fpotted with brown, Gefner reports that in Switzcrrhnd thefe Cormoyants
which are there called Scharbi, that is to fay Coals, have forne of them
  Under the great plumes 'which cover the Body, there was a gray down
extremely fine and thick, as in S5ivans. Aldrouandits reports that the Skins
Cormorants are prepared like thofe of Vilturcs, and uf~d to cover aod warm
the Stomach.
  The Feathers which did garnifli and adorn the Neck were very fliort, and
thofe which did cover the Head much flhorter: but they were very thick and
fmall like Fringe. This derronflirates the Cormorant not to be the Pbalocro-
corax, which is lb called;- becaufe it has no Feathers eni thec Head, and
  Pliy is deceived, when'he fays that the aquatick Crov.'-, which is the
rant, is naturally bald, and that this particularity heas given it the name
which it has aniongft the Greeks. Be! nims held the Erme Opinion. Thefc:
Plumes upon the Head were four lines in length, ftrait, and flaring. This
made the Head to appear lef, flat than indeed it is, although it very much
appeared f6 with thefe Feathers.