4Te  Anotornical Defrription

miriie wit the bksud WhiCh g's into the Teflicle ; there being nothing to
oppoAc this relux, of wnich it is neceffary to fuppo{e the liberty into all
Arteries, whlich upon this account are deffitute of the Valves which are
fointd iin the Veins: and the cormpreffion that the  motion of Refipirati-
on  caulbs to all th. Vifcera, being a fufficient impulfive caufe for this
  ;Ai bot'i (i es of t6e Neck of the Bladder tltere were Pouchesof a Subflan-
c- p Ur ly (.lanli ous, partly Merniranous. They were very Yellow: Twas
a, 1! t'rld> che P r iJftx.  Fhe Pro#atvx were a little underneath, of
an extra-
o"s ,i~n y file, even asthe P.;raftati.
  III ile ±rnle the -terus was compofed of aNeck and two Hones.
Tc ie ';e -'c .va) comp;fed of two Membranes: the external was thick and
Fli 1i,, tOe internal was thinne, Membranous, and Nervous.  The Hornes
u'erc uticqo Li, tile left benllT  eifer than the right, in which therv was

   rie Lungs had five Lobes, viz. three of a midde (ize at the right fidfe,
znnl t wt) on the lett, oate of which was greater and the other lefer than
tile relf.r  lis 11ctre one, whiclh the Cavitie of the -Mediafline incloed,
i *.wd at the end.  het Heart was almoft round. The right Auride was
t a led almi.t 3hac.. 'Lie left was whitifh.
   l, Glo;: I t tuce Es e exceeded not two lines indiarter: it had an in-L
te-nal 9_'Ji;Ad.  OW the t'-rec Hamours of the Eye there appeared only the
CrYjtlie, v lch fiL.ed up the whole Globe, without any appearance of the
Ai e ms or Vit enfos Humour. ltie Retina did immediately touch the Cryja/line,
aAi al it we .t: ,icK to it on that fide towards the bottom of the Eye, as
C( ;rn ed (.d c-,tver un .i touoc: it btfore. The Z&vea was all over
black, with-
(tUt rile T ? eet a; it :idA not hkewif make any fold on the fore-part to
tlie 1. z j lo iLat tule Eye, when the lidds were open, did appear all Black,