
       The Explication of the Figure of the Cat-a-mountain.

IN the lower Figure it may be obferved tlhat this Animal is altogether like
    Cat, except that it has proportionably a fhorter Neck, and the Tail much
lels. In this it differs alfo from the Leopard, which has a Neck long and
and a very large Tail as Naturalills do defribe it.'

                          In th              .  ,per Fj. ,

A A. The Iottom of the Ventricle.
BR B. The Vena Gaftrica.
-C C. The Membrane which holds together the two (1) resof the Ventricle.
D. TEk Spleen.
E. The Trunk of the Vena Cava.
G. The Trunck of the Aorta.
H. The upper Mefenterick Artery miscalled the Lower in the Text.
I. The Veins 4nd Arteries of the Lans.
K K. The Ureters.-
L. The Bladder.
M. A Veffel which may be t:kenffit oe of the Deferentia.
n n. Tbe Profatm.
0 O. The Kidneys.
P. The Penis.
QQ. The proper Membrane of the Kidney.
R: R. Somne Veffls 4]pemr)g on the outfide of the 3Cine t
S S. The great Sinus's in the Os Frontis.
T T. The tlVo other Sinus's in the Os Occipitis.
V V. The Brain.
X., Tbe Cerebellum.