The Meafure of the Earth.


Otherwife for F G in Triangle

GA F    52.  8' 50/1
G F A 75 12. 'O.
F G A 52 39 00-
A F 1305 iToyfes.
Thence FG IZ963 Toyfes for
    1963 To)es 3 Foot.
The fummn of the two Angles
A F C, G F A excecd by io"J,
that of the two C F D, D F GI
which is negleded , becaufe
an error fo little confiderable
deferves not the expofing one
Idlf a fecond time to danger
in mounting to the top of
the Tower of Nonjay which is
half ruined.

Otherwife for G E in Trian-
       gle G DC.

GDC     62.0 53! o .
D G z5643 ToYIes.
D C 132I.1 Toyfes three
Thence G C D 860 ,4' 2.5'.
And G C 2 z 8 69 Toyvies three
But in tlie Triangle G C E
  having  put together
      GCD and DCE.

GCE    iz60   58' z5/'
G C 22869 Toyfes three
C E 12.389 Toyfes three
Thence G E 3I893    Toyfes
                (three Foot.
Inilead of 31897 Toyles, but
parting the difference we make
G E 31895 Toyfes.

The VII. Triangle F G H.

For G H.
FGH 390 5I1 0'.
FHG     91  46   30.
HFG     48  2.2 30.
F G IZ963 Toyfes three
Thence G H 9695 Toyfes.
In this Triangle the AngIe
G F H is diminilht io/.
