Fitted with Furniture Case, Reglet Rack, Chase Packs. and Drawers for Metal Furniture
The Dorsey Imposing Stone Frame with Labor-Saving Furniture and Chase Racks
We show here one of the most improved Imposing Stone Frames. It will be noticed that there is no
waste room, but all space is utilized in the most advantageous manner. The Dorsey Frame was the pioneer
of all modern Stone Frames and was introduced several years ago. It has proved a popular Frame and
is still more often called for than any other Frame of its kind. Modifications of this Frame can be fur-
nished at proportionate prices. It is made in one size only. The size of Stone is 40 x 80 inches, with smoot
face and free from imperfections. The height from floor to top of Stone is 41 inches. The frame occupies
floor space 42f x 821 inches.
Labor-Saving Furniture Rack-The Frame contains a labor-saving rack filled with Furniture, This Furniture is cut
in the following lengths and widths: -18 pieces, each 2, 3 and 4-line; 15 pieces, each 5 and 6-line; 9 pieces, each 8 and
10-line, cut 25, 35, 70, 80, 90, 100, 120, 140 and 160 ems long. 24 pieces, each 2,3 and 4-line: 20 pieces, each 5 and 6-line; 12
pieces, each 8 and 10-line, cut 30, 40, 50 and 60 ems long. A total of 500 yards cut into 1,562 pieces. This gives a better
and larger assortment than the Mammoth Furniture Case. The length and width is stamped on the end of each
Cupboard or bins-On the opposite side from the one shown in the illustration, over the chase rack, are 2 large
compartments for general storage; one compartment is 17 inches deep, 37 inches long and 101 inches high; the other
is28 inches deep, 37 inches long and 13 inches high. This arrangement utilizes every inch of space under the Stone.
The Frame has paneled ends and is varnished.
Chase Racks--At the bottom, on the side shown in illustration, are 36 Racks for chases for 8 x 12 job press. On the
opposite'eide are Racks for 18 chases for l0x15 job press, and 18 chases for 12x18 job press. On the side of second
tier of Drawers there are 8 compartments, 4 on each side of the Frame, for string or small tools.
Rack for Steel Furniture or Cut Reglet-In the center, arranged in double tier, are 36 compartments for Steel Furniture
or cut Reglets, These compartments hold the following lengths:--12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27,30,33,36, 39,42,45,,48,51,54, 57 and
60 ems; 2 compartments for each length, except the 42-em length, which has 4 compartments. Each compartment
holds 35 pieces of*pica or 70 pieces of nonpareil Reglet, or 11 pieces of Steel Furniture, 3 picas wide.
Drawer-There are 6 Drawers at the top. On the left-hand side. extending half-way through, are 2 pulling out
from each side, and 2 on the right-hand side at the top, reaching clear through, and can be pulled out from either
side. These Drawers are I inch deep and I1i Inches wide, and are used for storing Metal Furniture. Under these
Drawers are 3 large Drawers, I reaching clear through and 2 reaching half-way through. These Drawers are 3
inches deep by 22J inches wide inside,
Weight-Complete, ready for shipment, including Stone, 1,700 pounds. Weight of Stone only, 770 pounds.
Dorsey Imposing Frame and Stone, without Steel Furniture or Reglet but including labor saving
w ood  furniture   ............ .............................................  .. .................. $140.00
Steel Furniture to fill center Racks, consisting of 22 pieces of each length as mentioned above, ex-
cept the 42-em. length, of which there are 44 pieces-a total of 396 pieces ......................... 100.00
Reglet  to  fill center  Racks ..............................................................................  14.00