Concentrate the Type Case Equipment into the Smallet Possible Floor Space. At the Same Time
it Gives More Room and Relieves the Congestion.

Back View of Triple Polhemus Cabinets

The object of the Polhemus Cabinet is to save time and space. Time is lost on the ordinary Cabinets
by standing the compositor in front of twenty cases, all frequently in use by other men. In the Polhemus
Cabinets the Job Cases are unobstructed and the compositor stands at the back, where he cannot be in-
terrupted. Every inch of space on the Polhemus Cabinets is utilized to advantage. The Galley Top or
Banklis a most useful addition; the space between the cases is used as a Galley Cabinet or Sort Cabinet,
as may be preferred; the top is flat and tied-up matter may be kept on it as the iron Case Brackets admit
of easy access to the space under the Case and Galley Top. The Brackets which hold the cases project
into the alley eight inches, giving the compositor plenty of knee-room, while saving floor space. In con-
struction our Pohemus Cab I nets are unsurpassed in  sodity, appearance and finish. They are made of
hard-wood, nicely polished and no handsomer Cabinets have been offered to the craft.

Front View of No. 4 Triple Polhemus Cabinet
This Cabinet is a veritable printing office in itself. Contains 75 cases; 10 sort drawers; storage room
for 20 double-column Galleys; 15 square feet of storage in the Galley Dump for tied-up matter and stand-
ing forms; 3 pair New Cases on top. Six men can work at this Cabinet at the same time without inter-
fering--3 job men and 3 news compositors. The practical value of this splendid Cabinet is greatly
enhanced by brass lining the full length Galley Dump shown in the illustration. With such a bank no
moisture can enter the woodwork and the life of the Cabinet is prolonged indefinitely.