German Title Condensed No. 5 ...... 596
German Title, Lining .................... 597
G lid ers  ............................................. 674
G oethe  N o.5  .................................... 600
Gothic Compressed No. 7 ......... 268, 269
Gothic Compressed No. 8 ......... 270, 271
Gothic Compressed Title No. 7 ...... 225
Gothic Compressed Title No. 8 ...... 226
Gothic Condensed, Modern ...... 256-259
Gothic, Degree No. 1 ...............2M
Gothic, Degree No. 2 ................. 232
Gothic Italic. Modern ............. 246-249
Gothic, Lining Oblique ................ 234
Gothic, Lining Utility .............. 282
Gothic, Modern .......................... 250-255
Gothic No. 44, Circular ...... 235, 472, 473
Gothic No. 45, Lightface ................. 229
Gothic No. 47, Lining ............... 264, 265
Gothic No. 60, Lining ............. 236-238
Gothic No. 71, Lining ............... 244, 245
Gothic No. 82, Lining .............. 29-241
Gothic No. 90, Lining ................. 242, 248
Gothic No. 111, Lining .............. 266, 267
Gothic No. 117, Lining ............... 260-263
Gothic No. 120, Inclined ......... 231
Gothic No. 61, Outline ................ 272
Gothic No. 50, Slope ..................... 230
Gothic No. 520, Wide Lining ........... 227
Gothic Title No. 60, Lining ..... 222, 223
Gothic Title No. 82, Lining .............. 213
Gothic Title No. 90, Lining .......... 224
Gothic Title No. 117, Lining .220, 221
Gothic. West Lining ........................ 22
Grace Script, Lining ....................... 566
Griffins ..............         ......... 678
G u a rd  ............................................ 310
Handy   Fists   ............................ 688,689
Hazel Script, Lining ................. 568, 569
Hazlett Script, Lining ............... 586
Headletter Condensed .............. 308, 309
H e a d   R u le s  ............... ...... .............. 783
H ecla  .................. ... ............ 444, 445
Holly Borders ......................68
Hugo No. 5 ......           ........... 452-454
Imprints, Electrotyped .................. 685
Im prin t  M atrices  .......................... 685
Imprints, Type Metal .................... 685
Ionic, Lining ................................. 185
Inclined De Vinne ..................... 280-282
Inclined Gothic No. 120 .......... 231
Anglo ............................ 748
D earborn  .................................... 749
D e  V inne  .................................... 751
D olsen  ..      ....................... ....... 754
Elzevirine ................... 750
Mazarin... ...........    ............... 753
Mortised ......................... ..755, 756
Rococo    ....................     .... 752
U niversal  ...................................... 747
Jesters  ..  ..... ......     .............. 677
Jewel Script, Lining             .......... 586
Jim Crows .....    ...........    ........ 677
Jing os  ................. ................. 678
Job Type Accents ....................... 732-743
Job Type Fractions..............695-698
Kaiser ........................... 608
K ic k e r s  ...................... ..................... 674
K its  ....... .......................... 677
Labor-Saving Brass Rule .          770-773
Lakeside Script, Lining ............. 588
L atin  N o. 5  ....................................... 207
Latin No. 52 ....................... 205
Latin Condensed No. 1 ................208
Law   Italic  No. 5  ............................ 525
Leaders, Brass ....................... 781
Leaders, Metal ...................  ..... 691
Leads for Lining Type .................. 790
Leads and Slugs, Brass .............. 789
Leads and Slugs, Short .............. 790
Legal Italic No. 5 ................... 524
Lightface No. 7 ........................ 58, 59
L ig h tfa ce  N o.  54  ......... ................ ...52
Lightface Gothic No. 45 .................. 229
Lightface, Pastel ........ 372-874, 510, 511
Lightface Post .......................... 27 -275
Lightface, Warren .................. 464, 465
L ight  L atin  .................................. 206
Light Modern, Lining ..................... 204
Lining Acme       .......................... 468, 469

Lining Aldine ......................... 60, 61
Lining Aldine Condensed ........ 62
Lining  Anglo  ............................... 527
Lining Antique Condensed ......... 193
Lining Antique No. 6 ................. 191
Lining Antique Pointed ................. 200
Lining Arcade .................3.... 20
Lining  Archer  .......... ... ............. 448
Lining Bank Script ................. 574, 575
Lining Bank Script No. 2 ....... 576, 577
Lining Bank Script No. 3 ........ 578, 579
Lining  Bisque .... ..........................  302
Lining Bisque No. 2 ............. 299-301
Lining Caligraph No. 2 ................... 516
Lining  Celtic No. 1  ....8................... 311
Lining Chamfer ...........   ............ 195
Lining  Concave .............................. 201
Lining Congo ..................... .... 486437
Lining De Vinne ........................ 288285
Lining Doric ............................... 190
Lining Egyptian Extended ............ 212
Lining Egyptian Extra Cond ......... 211
Lining Elite ....................... 514
Lining Emerald .................... 40-461
Lining Engravers Roman ...
F       a............................... 332-334. 480, 481
Lining Facade Condensed... 304, 305
Lining Facade Condensed No. 1..803
Lining Fair ....................... 443
Lining Fair Open       ................... 442
Lining Fifteenth Century ..............
 .......................i......... 11117. 5   501
Lining Fifteenth Century Italic ...
......... -.... ............  118, 119, 502,  08
Lining French Antique Extended, 199
Lining French Clarendon.............. 210
Lining German Title ....................... 597
Lining Gothic No. 47 ........ 264,265
Lining Gothic No. 60 ................ 286-28
Lining Gothic No. 71 ................. 244, 245
Lining Gothic No. 82 ................ 289-241
Lining Gothic No. 90 .............. 242, 248
Lining Gothic No. 111 ............... 266. 267
Lining Gothic No. 117 .............. 260-263
Lining Gothic Title No. 60 ...... 222, 223
Lining Gothic Title No. 82............. 213
Lining Gothic Title No. 90 .............. 224
Lining Gothic Title No. 117 ...... 220, 221
Lining Grace Script ....................566
Lining Grant    _................... 428-431
Lining Hazel Script .............. 568, 569
Lining Hazlett Script ................. 586
Lining  Ionic  .................................... 185
Lining Jewel Script ................. 586
Lining Lakeside Script .................. 588
Lining Light Modern............ .. 204
Lining  M ayo  .... ................ 8... ...... 319
Lining Zenu ......................826, 827
Lining Modern Antique ........... 202,203
Lining  M oorish  ................................ 441
Lining Moorish Open ..................... 441
Lining Myrtle Script ............. 567
Lining Nadall .......................... 313
Lining Nestor Script      ........... 582, 583
Lining Norman Condensed ............ 312
Lining Oblique Gothic...............284
Lining Oliver No. 3 ........  .......... 518
Lining Pantagraph Script ...... 580, 581
Lining Plate Gothic .....335-337, 484, 485
Lining Plate Script ......... 560, 561
Lining Plate Script No. 2 ......... 562, 563
Lining Plate Script No. 3 ......... 564, 565
Lining Premier Script ........... 572, 573
Lining Princess Script .................587
Lining Princeton .................... 458, 459
Lining  Racine   8............................. 325
Lining Racine Circular ................... 512
Lining Remington................. 522
Lining Remington No. 2 ................. 521
Lining Remington No. 6 ................. 520
Lining Remington No. 7 ................. 519
Lining Runic ...................... 209
Lining Southey.......... 449-451, 508, 509
Lining  Spenser   .8........................ 14, 315
Lining Standard Script ............ 570, 571
Lining  Steelplate ............................. 470
Lining Sterling ............................ 317
Lining Stillson ..................... 322, 323
Lining  Tasso ............................. 8... 321
Lining  Tasso  No. 2  ......................... 523
Lining Typewriter No. I ................. 513
Lining Umbra ..................... 470
Lining Utility Gothic ............... 232
Lining Venetian.......................... 526
Lining Vulcan ........................ 318

Lining Wide Spenser       ............8 16
Lining Yost .        .................... 517
Linotype Column Rules.................. 782
L ogotypes ................................. 746,792
Luxor Border      ................ ...... 649
Luxor  N o. 5  .............................. 406-408
Mailing Type ......   .............724, 725
M ayo, Lining  ............................. 319
M altese  Crosses ................................ 679
Marshall Italic No. 5        -............ 526
Mazarin Initials ........................ 758
Mazarin Italic No. 5      ....... 360, 361
Mazarin No. 5 ....        362-364,506, 807
M enu, Lining  ............................ 326,327
Mephistos ......................... 677
M erit  ....................................... ..  87- 89
M etal B races ................................... 725
M etal R ule  ................................  643
Metal Rule Border.............. 642
Midway Midgets.................. 673
Miscellaneous Characters...      684, 685
Mission .............. 342-344, 490, 491
M od e   ............. .......................... . 292
Modern Antique, Lining. .......... 202, 208
Modern Catchwords ................. 746
Modern Corners ...... ..............  44, 745
Modern Fraktur No. 5 .................. :.598
Modern Gothic          ........... 520-255
Modern Gothic Condensed........ 256-259
Modern Gothic Cond. Title ..... 216-219
Modern Gothic Italic ............ 246-249
Modern Gothic Title .............. 214, 215
M odern  Title ............................... 296-298
M onitor  N o. 5  ............................. 146-148
M oonies    ........... ....... ................ 679
Moorish, Lining .................... 441
Moorish Open, Lining .......... 441
Mortised Initials      ................ 755, 756
Music Brass Rule .................... 722, 723
Music Type................... 722, 723
Myrtle Script, Lining ........... 567
Nadall, Lining ............................. 313
Nail, Pin and Screw Heads ........ 685
Nestor Script, Lining ....    ... 582-583
New Art Border No. 48 ............. ..647
New Art Border No. 49... ...... 646
Newspaper Headings .............. 828-837
Norman Condensed. Lining .....8.312
Oblique Gothic, Lining .............. 284
Old Roman Bold ........... 36-359, 498, 499
Old Roman Cond ......... 352-355, 496, 497
Old Style, Barnhart ....158-141, 486, 487
Old Style, Caslon ..................... 135-137
Old Style, Catalog........ 142-145, 488, 489
Old Style Condensed No. 50 ...... 104, 105
Old Style Condensed No. 52 ...... 109-111
Old Style Italic, Caslon ............ 184
Old Style Italic No. 59 ............... 124-126
Old Style No. 1 ...................... 108
Old Style No. 3, French .............. 122
Old Style No. 56, French ................. 12
Old Style No. 59 ............. 127-129
Old Style Title No. 59   ................. 130
Old Style No. 70, West.......... 131-133
Old Style, Wide ..............  114, 115
Oliver No. 8, Lining .... ............ 518
O lym pics  ...... ...... ........ . ........... 678
Combination No. 20 ................ 662
Garland ............      .... 660,661
H olly  ..... ......     ................. 639
Mazarin No. 50 ........................ :.657
N ew  A rt                         (145................. ...... ........ 645
Ornaments No. 60 and 61 .       -... 644
Ornaments No. 62 and 72 .............. 664
Ornaments No. 68 and 64.            67... 667
Ornaments No. 70 and 71 .       ..... 666
Ornaments, No. 78, 74, 75 and 76.. .672
Ornaments, No. 77, 78 and 82 .     669
Ornaments, No. 79, 80, 81 and 8 ...668
Ornament's No. 84..................... 671
Ornaments No. 118 ................. 659
Outline Garland ................... 660,661
Page ............................ 643
Plym  outh  No. 30 ........................... 670
U tility   ......... . ..........................   656
V eronese  ...................................... 663
Veronese   Outline   .......................... 66
Vogue Ornaments ................. 806-826
W ord  ..............  .................... 671
Outline Gothic No. 61            ... 272
Outline  Stars  ...................... ....... 679