Lin. Remington 0       Number Two
Weights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Cast on Uniform Line.
6A 35a 3%  lbs., $2.75  12 Point Lining Remington No. 2  15A 80a 8%  lbs., $6.00
Barnhart Bros. & Spindler            June 11, 1906.
Chicago, Ill.
Dear Sirs:
When I bought my outfit of you nearly five years
ago, your salesman mentioned as one of the reasons
for dealing with you and using your type that you
cast all your type under one roof; that if I wanted
in future to add to a font or to procure sorts I
would get quick service from you because of that
fact, because I wouldn't have to wait till the
casting foundry, perhaps located in a distant city,
should cast and forward the supplies. That seemed
to me a good reason for giving you the order at that
time, I have had something like fifty chances to
applaud my good judgment and to confirm your
excellent argument.
In past years I have had bitter experience of
waiting for sorts and type and material, I have lost
work and patience and almost imperiled my immortal
soul because of delays that have followed orders.
Since I have traded with you its been smooth sailing
and I do not think I have had just cause for
I find that I do not now feel compelled, as I
once did, to lay in large and unnecessary stocks of
goods to provide for POSSIBLE future wants. If I
need a thing QUICK I can get it of you.
I like that sort of a thing and therefore I like
you and I don't care who knows it.
Yours fraternally
Justifiers sold in 1 and 5 lb. fonts, at 42 cents per lb.