Weights and Prces given am Approximate; see Page 2. Cast on Unifn  Line.
6A 34a 3V4 lbs., $2.50  10 Point Lining Remington  14A 70a 6Ys lbs., $5.00
Feb. 9, 1906
Messrs. Barnhart Bros. & Spindler,
Chicago, Illinois.
I used to be in the machine business, and
having recently bought a press from you am moved
to make a few reflections. The rebuilding of
machinery in the proper way requires no mean
ability;  if anyone doubts this statement let him
experiment a little in buying second hand machin-
ery from various firms that overhaul it. I have
bought several machines, and without flattering,
want to say to you that none of them has come up
to the hi gh standard which you established in the
Cottrell & Babcock Drum Cylinder that you have
just sent me. The things that I have gotten under
the title of overhauled machines have generally
proven wrecks, and caused lawsuits, failures and
profanity. I believe, as one of your advertise-
ments says, you have applied to this part of your
business the same ability and conscientious
thought used in making SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE
famous. Quality tells!   Quality Pays! and the
best man will want the best; perhaps he will
experiment to find what the best IS, but my exper-
ience  is  that  in  all  lines  of  printers'  supplies
you are furnishing the best that can be had. You
are saving money to the buyer and you are making
it easier for him to do business. I saw a state-
ment that during the past 15 years you have sold
nearly 10,000 second-hand machines, and I wonder
with how many kicks. You must have come out
without bruises and with abundant credit to your-
selves for you have made 10,000 buyers happy.
I went thru your shop once and noticed
these things: When a press comes in it looks like
a heap of old iron; you put it into a lye vat, so
that all the grease, putty, paint and other con-
cealing makeshifts come off and the thing lies
there in its nakedness, exposing all its weak
spots; that you throw away many a machine because
you cannot recommend it or because it will not
pay to rebuild it; but that when a machine is
rebuilt it is rebuilt, not rubbed up, slicked up,
puttied, pasted and painted up, but rebuilt.
I  like  to  tel  you  this,  it  is  simple
justice to a firm that does its work right and
gives the customer a square deal.
Yours truly,
John N. Albro.
Justifiers sold in 1 and 5 lb. fonts, at 46 cents Per lb.