ROMAN BODY                   TYPE FACES
Cast on Uniform Line. Partly leaded with two-point leads.
10 POINT NO. 80
THE matter of lining type is so important that every printer
should be familiar with the details of our Point-Line, Point-Set,
Point-BodyLining System. This system saves the printer many
a dollar in composition time, to say nothing of the increased
beauty of his work. Every printer has experienced trouble in
bringing type on different bodies to line, and in lining rule with
type, and therefore knows the great loss of time unavoidable
when lining type is not available. Take a legal blank, for instance,
in which words in larger type that begin paragraphs, as well as
some others, must be lined as near as may be with the letter
selected for the body of the work, and in which two-point brass
rule must be lined with the type; hours of valuable time must
be spent by the compositor having only old-system material at
his disposal, because of the necessity for using paper and
cardboard to bring about even a semblance of alignment between
the various faces and between type and rule. No printer worthy
of the name will willingly send out slip-shod work; hence the
time spent in lining different faces with each other and with rule
Lower case alphabet, a to z, 14 ems.
11 POINT NO. 60
THE matter of lining type is so important that every
printer should be familiar with the details of our Point-Line,
Point-Set, Point-Body Lining System. This system saves
the printer many a dollar in composition time, to say
nothing of the increased beauty of his work. Every printer
has experienced trouble in bringing type on different bodies
to line, and in lining rule with type, and therefore knows
the great loss of time unavoidable when lining type is not
available. Take a legal blank, for instance, in which
words in larger type that begin paragraphs, as well as
some others, must be lined as near as may be with the
letter selected for the body of the work, and in which
two-point brass rule must be lined with the type; hours
of valuable time must be spent by the compositor having
only old-system material at his disposal, because of the
necessity for using paper and cardboard to bring about
Lower case alphabet, a to z, 3 ems.