Job Compositors Side
News Compositors Side
This excellent piece of Cabinet work, when fully equipped with "New Departure" Cases, represents the
acme of Steel Run Stand construction, and the most advanced type of composing room equipment. The
ends are paneled with neatly moulded edges. The back has seven panels with chamfered edges like a
Polhemus Cabinet. The front rail is set back several inches, and the Job Cases when in place, set back
several inches from the front, providing the extension front feature of the Porter Cabinets. This allows
plenty of knee room for the compositor. Constructed of hardwood throughout, with all exterior surfaces
nicely varnished like the best of Cabinets. The runs are of flat steel capable of sustaining great weight.
The top equipment Illustrated is as follows:-Two pairs of No. 4 Three-Case Brackets; one pair of News
Cases; two Blank Cases; one No. 8 Bettis Lead and Slug Case, and four quarter size Cases as follows--One
Perfection Rule Case, one Compact Rule Case, one All-Right Space and Quad Case, one Wisconsin quarter
Case, Style D. Under the top there are Steel Runs to accommodate 40 full size Cases.
EQUIPMENT                        INCHES     INCHES    POUNDS      PRIOE
Stand only, without top equipment ......................211x70       44A       260       $25.00
Plain Galley Dump .............................................. ...........80            3.50
No. 8 Bettis Lead and Slug Case, as illustrated ........................ ..........22     5.00
No. 9 New York Case Brackets, per pair ........................... ............25          1.50
No. 7 Style B Double Case Brackets, per pair ....................... ............17        1.25
No. 1 Hamilton Patent Tilting Brackets, per pair.................... ............28        2.00
No. 2 Three-Case Tilting Brackets, per pair............ .........................35        2.40
No. 4 Three-Case Brackets, per pair.................... ................ .....25          1.90
News Cases, per pair .......................................................    14         1.60
Above prices are for Stand only and do not include the Cases in the body of the Stand or the News Cases on the
top. Selection of Case equipment can be made as requirements demand. Prices given for Brackets in the list
above are net, and any discount allowed on the Steel Run Stand does not apply on such Brackets. Case Pulls can
be furnished in bulk to attach to the fronts of old Cases at four cents each, list.
The news compositor stands behind the Job Cases, where he works without being interrupted by the
job men. He can empty his stick without leaving the Stand,on a Galley kept under the Lower Case, as
the top Cases are held on Hamilton's Patent Tilting Brackets.
Over the Job Cases there is a working bank or a galley top, for
keeping live or dead matter. Between the Case racks on the
No. 3 Stand there is a Galley Cabinet, shown in the illustration.
No. 1 Single, with Racks for 12 full size Cases; weight
with Brackets, 100 lbs.; occupies floor space 204x3
inches.  Price ..................................... $  7.50
No. 2 Double, with Racks for 24 full size Cases, and no
Galley Cabinet; weight, 180 lbs.; occupies floor
space 26x70J inches. Price ....................... 13.00
No. 3 Double, with Racks for 12 full size Cases, and 12
two-thirds Cases, with Galley Cabinet; weight, 250
lbs.; occupies floor space 261x7i inches. Price.. 20.00
The prices given above include the Brackets but not the Cases
on the Brackets or in the body of the stand. Polhemus Stands are
crated and shipped in knock-down form.