This machine is a saw, a trimmer, a gauge and a mitre-and-angle
machine for wood, brass, copper and type metal. It will do the work
of any one of these machines, or will combine all four at one movement
of the sliding table. From the fact that there are no complicated ad-
justments to be made, this application of the point principle to the
basic combination of saw and trimmer permits work to be done easily
and quickly that could not be accomplished expeditiously on any series
of machines, and in some cases could not be done at all. This machine
requires little room and little power; is ready for any operation at a
moment's notice; is easily understood and operated; and is thoroughly
well made and durable. Both compositor and stone-man make fre-
quent and profitable use of The Miller Saw-Trimmer wherever it is
installed. Though it works to less than the thousandth part of an inch,
its precision is absolutely permanent and constant under all conditions.
Its adjustments are so simple and positive that no tools are required,
every setting being made by the operator's hands alone. As a natural
consequence of its ability to perform the forenamed functions The
Miller Saw-Trimmer has developed a scope of accomplishment in print-
ing house economy far in excess of the original purpose. The perfected
device performs not only its offices of sawing and trimming cuts and
slugs with mathematical accuracy, but it is as well a practical machine
for outside mortising, beveling for tacks or patent register hooks,
splitting Linotype slugs, removing ribs and shoulders from Linotype
slugs to gain space, etc.-Circular.
No. 1. With counter shaft, tight and loose pulleys, mounted on base of machine. Shipping weight
300  lbs., f. o. b. M ilw aukee, W is .................................................................. $235.00
No. 2. With Watson i h. p. fully enclosed, 110, 220 or 500 volt direct current motor, with starter,
mounted on base of machine and properly wired. Shipping weight 330 lbs., f. o. b. Milwau-
k ee  W is  ............................................................................... .......  250.00
No. 3. With Century i h. p. semi-enclosed, 60 cycle, single phase, alternatin  current motor,
mounted on base of machine. Shipping weight 390 lbs., f. o. b. Milwaukee, Wis ............... 285.00
Brass  Saw  Blade  w ith  screw s .......................... ... ...................................... .  5.00
This is the regular saw table for printer's use. It is designed for cut-
ting and trimming cuts, wood or metal furniture, reglets, slugs, brass rule,
leads, etc. Accurate squaring up and parallel gauges are furnished. The
table on the right hand side extends outward, and that side is fitted in as
a shootboard and plane. The table is raised and lowered by a hand wheel
under the front edge of the
table, as shown in the illus-
tration. A shelf attached to
the pedestal provides a handy
receptacle for tools.  Slug
cutting attachments can be
had for use with this table,
making it in effect a linotype
saw. The slug cutting at-
_                           tachments may be used on any Saw Table having an adequate parallel
gauge. They can be used for trimming to size all such material as leads,
j: slugs, reglet and furniture, and are accurate and reliable.-Circular.
Printer's Saw Table, without Shoot Board and Plane, 21 x 24 inches, with Countershaft ............ $ 80.00
The same, complete with i horse power Electric Motor ...........................            148.00
Printer's Saw Table, with Shoot Board and Plane, 21 x 27 inches, with Countershaft on machine ... 95.00
The same, complete with i horse power Electric Motor ..................................... 163.00
Slug Cutting Attachment No. 1, each ..  ................................................... 15.00
Slug  Cutting  Attachm ent No. 2, each  ...............................  ...........  ......................  25.00
Back Saw, for cutting wood or soft metal ............ $1.25
Hack S                                              HACK    SAW
8-inch frame, complete with 1 dozen Griffin blades .... $1.50
Extra blades, per dozen  ............................... 1.00