Excel Other Cabinets, Because They Utilize Space to Best Advantage, Combine Every Possible Convenience,
and Prevent Waste of Time
No. 6 Double Polhemus Cabinet
This Cabinet possesses all the distinctive features of other Polhemus Cabinets, except the tier of sort
Drawers or Galley Cabinet between the two tiers of Cases. By this omission space enough is gained to
allow room for two tiers of full size Cases. This arrangement is perferred bv those printers having an
ample supply of sort Cabinets and Galley Cabinets, It utilizes the entire capacity of the Cabinet for laying
fonts of type. The floor space occupied is the same as other double Polhemus Cabinets. It embraces the
limit of Case concentration, having 25 Cases in each tier within working height.
No. 1 Double Polhemus Cabinet with Wood Runs, containing 18 full size California Job Cases in one tier, and
20 two-third size California Job Cases in one tier, two pairs of News Cases and two pairs of No. 1
Hamilton Patent Tilting Brackets on top. Galley Boards under Lower Cases. Full length Galley
Dump and one tier of ten Sort Drawers between the two tiers of Cases .................................... $ 75.00
No. 2 Single Polhemus Cabinet with Wood Runs, containing 18 full size California Job Cases in one tier. one
pair of News Cases and one pair of No. I Hamilton Patent Tilting Brackets on top. Galley Board under
Lower Case. Full length Galley Dump .................................................................. 35.00
No. 3 Triple Polhemus Cabinet with Wood Runs, containing 40 two-third size California Job Cases in two
tiers, 20 Cases in each tier, 18 full size California Job Cases in one tier, three pairs of News Cases and
three pairs of No. I Hamilton Patent Tilting Brackets on top, with Galley Boards under Lower Cases.
Full length Galley Dump, one tier of Sort Drawers and series of Galley Shelves between tiers of Cases 110.00
No. 4 Triple Polhemus Cabinet with Steel Runs, containing 50 two-third size California Job Cases, 25 Cases
in each tier and 25 full size California Job Cases in the center tier, three pairs of News Cases and three
pairs of No. 1 Hamilton Patent Tilting Brackets on top. Galley Boards under Lower Cases. Full length
Galley Dump, one tier of Sort Drawers and one series of Galley Shelves ................................. 140.00
No. 5 Double Polhemus Cabinet with Steel Runs, containing 25 full size California Job Cases in one tier and
25 two-third size California Job Cases in one tier. two pairs of News Cases and two pairs of No. 1
Hamilton Patent Tilting Brackets on top. Galley Boards under Lower Cases. Full length Galley
Dump and one tier of Sort Drawers between the two tiers of Cases ........................................ 95.00
No.6 Double Polhemus Cabinet with Steel Runs, containing 50 full size California Job Cases, 25 Cases in each of
the two tiers, two pairs of News Cases and two pairs of No. 1 Hamilton Patent Tilting Brackets on top.
Galley Boards under Lower Cases. Full length Galley Dump. Without Sort Drawers or Galley Cabinet 95.00
No. 7 Single Polhemus Cabinet with Steel Runs, containing 25 full size Cases in one tier, one pair of News
Cases and a pair of No. 1 Hamilton Patent Tilting Brackets on top. Galley Board under Lower Case.
Full length Galley Dump ..................................................................... 47.00
No. 8 Double Polhemus Cabinet with Steel Runs, containing 25 full size California Job Cases in one tier and
25 two-third California Job Cases in one tier, two pairs of News Cases and two pairs of No. 1
Hamilton Patent Tilting Brackets on top with Galley Boards under Lower Cases. Full length Galley
Dump and one tier of Galley Shelves between the two tiers of Cases....... ......................... 95.00
No. 9 Double Polhemus Cabinet with Wood Runs, containing 18 full size California Job Cases in one tier and
20 two-third California Job Cases in one tier, two pairs of News Cases and two pairs of Hamilton
Patent Tilting Brackets on top. Galley Boards under Lower Cases. Full length Galley Dump and
one tier of Galley Shelves between  the two tiers of Cases   ................................................  75.00
For full brass lined Dumps on these Cabinets, add to list price as follows:
Nos. 2 and 7 .............. $13.00  Nos. 1, 5, 6, 8 and 9 ............ $24.00  Nos. 3 and 4............ $35.00