The new Form Racks Nos. 0, 1 and 2, are strong and
substantially built, and varnished the same as our regular
line of Cabinets, and take up a surprisingly small amount
of floor space considering the number of forms accommo-
dated. The bottom boards where the forms rest are
covered with sheet iron turned at the edges and firmly
fastened as shown in the illustration. This prevents wear
and tear which would otherwise occur when heavy forms
are pushed into the compartments. The use of these Racks
will clear up the office, allows more stone room and mini-
mize the danger of pied forms.
No. 0-Height, 6 feet 9 inches; width at base, 22 inches;
length, 2 feet 8 inches. Shelves for 10 cases in each tier,
30 shelves in all. Weight, 350 pounds ................ $24.00
No 1-Height 6 feet 9 inches; width at base, 22 inches;
length, 3 feet 91 inches. Shelves for 16 cases in each tier,
48 shelves in all. Weight, 475 pounds ................ $36.00
No.-Height, 6 feet 9 inches; with at base, 22 inches;
length, 5 feet 4 inches. Shelves for 24 cases in each tier,
72 shelves in all. Weight, 600 pounds ................ $52.00
The Form Racks Nos. 5 and No. 6 are a new article
especially designed for press room requirements, and
provide a suitable holder for locked forms at a very
moderate price. This Rack can be put in position con-
venient to the press and the forms when received from
the composing room ready for the press can be tempo-
rarily placed in these Racks until required for printing.
They are strong and substantially made of hardwood
and all the chase grooves are lined on the bottom with
iron to prevent damage to the wood work.
No. 5 Form Rack provides accommodation for 18
large chases. The .height at the back is 31f inches; the
depth from front to rear is 25 inches; the width across
the front is 37 inches. The bottom of chase grooves
are lined with iron, turned at the edges and fastened
with screws at the front, to prevent damage to wood
work. Weight, crated for shipment, 200 pounds.. $22.00
No. 6 Form Rack provides accommodations for 12
medium size chases. The height at the back is 251
inches; the depth from front to rear is 19 inches; the
width across the front is 251 inches. The bottom of
chase grooves are lined with iron, turned at the edges
land fastened with screws at the front, to prevent dam-
age to woodwork. Weight, crated ready for shipment,
100  pounds ......................................... $14.00
A most convenient article to have around a printing office.
It can be used to advantage trucking forms back and forth be-
tween the composing room and the press room, without danger
of accident, It will take two forms, one on each side, up to 34x48
inches, or several small forms, without overlapping the edge of
form beds. It is made of hardwood throughout, re-inforced by
cleats underneath, and mounted on four double-wheeled swivel
castors.  Diameter of wheels is 3* inches. This insures easy
motion. The Truck can be turned around and reversed within
the floor space it occupies. The bottoms of the grooves where
the chases rest on the Truck are lined with iron. Length, 48
inches;'extreme height from the floor, 391 inches; extreme width,
42 inches; size of the sloping form beds, 34 inches high, 48 inches
long. Weight, crated, ready for shipment, 300 pounds. Other
sizes of this truck can be made to order at proportionate prices.
H am ilton  Form   Truck  ..................................................................................$48.00