Acme Mailing Machine ................942
Addressing Machines .............. 941, 942
All-Brass Galleys ................ 920, 921
All-Brass Lincoln Galleys      ....... 921
All-Brass Linotype Galleys ............ 921
Auxiliary Grippers...................... 92
Backing  Powder ............................. 859
Beating  Tables ..........9.................... 936
B ellow s ............ ............ .......... 859
Belt Fasteners        ...........    859
Belting  ...................................859
B elt  L acing  .................................. 859
B elt  P unch  ................ ...... ......... .  859
Benzine  Brushes  ..... ................. .. 862
Benzine Cans ...................... 861
Blankets, Felt and Rubber... ....... 859
Bodkins and Tweezers .....     ........ 861
Books for Printers ............. 859
Bookbinders Cabinets .............. 879
Bookbinders Press Boards ............ 862
Bookbinders Superior Lettering
Pallet ................................... 861
Bookbinders Wire ................... 98
Brackets .......................... 863
Brass Catches .............................. 975
Brass Corner Quads ................ 911
Brass Lined Galleys ..................... 922
B rass  T ype  ..... ......... ................... 861
Bronzing Mitten ...............  .... 862
Bronzing Pad .............    ........ 862
B rush es  ....................... ................ 862
Cabinets  ..................................... 864-882
Card  Cutters ............................. 946, 947
C a r ts  ................5................ .... ...... 9(5
Cases   ......................................  887-901
Case  Brackets    .................. ....... 863
Case Racks .......................886
Case Stands .................... 884-887
Cast Iron Chases ....................... 908, 909
Challenge Metal Tie-up Slugs........ 939
Challenge Plate-Zinc Storage
G alleys  ... ............. ................. 922
Challenge Riveted Zinc Galleys.....922
Chases, Cast Iron ....................... 908, 909
Chases, Electric-Welded ......... 902-908
Circular Quads .....     ............... 910
City  Case  Stands .........................1885
Combined Eyelet Punch and Set...914
Copper and Brass Thin Spaces ...... 973
Composing Rules ........................ 909
Composing Sticks ............... 910, 911
Copy  H olders  ...................._............ 911
Corner  Quads ......................... ..... 911
Cott's Tablet Holder and Clamp ..984
Counting Machines .................... ..911
Creighton Standing Galley
Shelving .......................... .923
Cutting Sticks ..................... 912
Dividers ......................... 914
Dorsey Combination Press Room
Cabinet ................................... 881
Dorsey Compositors Working
Cabinet ....................... 873
Drying  Racks......................... 912, 913
Elastic Padding Glue ................... 984
Electric  M otors ... ....................... 914
Electric-Welded Chases ......... 902-98
Electro and Cut Cabinets ............... 879
Electrotyping .................. .............. 914
Embossing Compound .................... 914
Engines ........................... 914
Engravers Tools.................... 914
Engravers W   ood  ............................ 914
Extension Front Cabinets
G rand   .................... ........ 866,867
Eye Shades ........................ 914
Eyelet Set and Punch .......... 914
F eed  F olders  ................................... 916
Felt Blankets....  ....... ................ 859
Folding Machines ...................... 916
Foot Slugs ........................ 916
Form Racks ................... 915
Form Trucks ................... 909, 915
Furniture    ......................... 916-918
G a lle y s   ..... . ... .................... .....   9 2 0 -9 2 2
Galley  Cabinets ............................... 877
Galley Racks ...................... 923

Galley  Shelving  .......................... ... M
Gauge Pins and Guides................. 926
Glue Pots ............................. M
Grippers, Auxiliary ................... 926
Half-Tone Softening Hammers
and Punches .................... 927
Handy Letter Board Cabinets .      881
Hand Numbering Machines ........... 946
Handy Sort Cabinets ................ 871
Hardwood Letter Boards ............... 881
Imposing and Beating Tables .     936
Imposing Stone Frames ........... 927-935
Ink Fountains .......................... 936
Indexed Electrotype Cabinets..878, 879
Ink Knives .........       ............ 937
Ink  Reducers ......................... .... 937
Ink and Roller Cabinets .......... 877
Ink  Slice  ....... ....... ...................... 937
Ink Spade ............................ 937
Inking  Stones ......... ............ . 936
Inventory Books ...          ........ 860
Iron  Case  Stands............................. 887
Iron  Furniture  ............................  918
Iron Grooved Blocks .................. 976
Iron Imposing Tables ....... 935, 936
Iron Side and Foot Sticks............ 909
Job Galleys ............................... 9 0-922
Label Holders ................. 937
Labor-Saving Iron Furniture .     918
Labor-Saving Leads and Slugs.... 939
Labor-Saving Lead and Slug
R acks ..9.....................3................ 98
Labor-Saving Metal Furniture......917
Labor-Saving Reglet Cases ............ 918
Labor-Saving Wood Furniture ...919
Labor-Saving Wood Furniture
Cases .....        ..................... 919
Lam  p  Brackets.............................. 937
Leader  Boxes ......  ..................... 937
Lead and Rule Cutters ............ 940, 941
Lead and Slug Racks ..................... 938
Leads and Slugs ......................... 939
Leads for Lining Type ................. 939
Letter  Boards............................. 881
Letter Board Cabinets................. 881
Lettering and Stamping Presses ..979
Lettering Pallet ................... 861
Lincoln All-Brass Galley ............... 921
Line Ganges ..... .................. 985
Linotype All-Brass Galleys............ 921
Liquid Padding Cement      ........984
Lye .....          ......................... 986
Lye Brushes ....................... 862
Mailing Galleys ................... 920-922
Mailing Machines ................ 941,942
Mallets ........................... 942
M atrix  Cabinets  .............................. 880
Mercantile Addressing Machine ...941
Mercantile Mailing Galleys ........... 921
Metal Corner Quads ............. .911
Metal Furniture ........................ 917
Miller Saw Trimmer ..............2...... W2
M iter  Boxes ....... ...... ........ . . ...... 943
Mitering  Machines ......................... 943
Monotype Cabinets...................... 880
Morton Lockup .................... 970
Mustang Mailing Galleys ............... 921
Mustang Mailing Machine .............. 942
New Departure Cabinets ......... 872, 873
Newspaper Files ............................. 943
Newspaper Galleys ................. 920-922
New York Case Stands ............... 885
Numbering Machines ............... 944-946
Oil Cans  .....      ..................... 946
Overhead Fixtures ............... 978, 979
Overlay  Knife  ..6............................ W6
Padding Glue and Cement ............. 984
Page  Cord ...................................... 946
Paper  Counter................................. 983
Paper Cutters ........................... 947-950
Paper Joggers     ............... .......... 951
P a ste  ..................... ........................ 985
Perforators ............................... 951-953
Planers ........................... 958
Plate  M ounts  ................................ 973
Polhemus Cabinets .............. 864,865
Polhemus Case Stands .................... 884

Paper and Card Stock Cabinets..876
Porter Extension Front Cabinets..868
Press Boards-Bookbinders ........... 862
Press  Boards  .......................... .964
Press Points  ............................. .  965
Press Punches ....     ............   968
Presses, Cylinder ...................... 58-964
Presses, Hand .......... ...... 953, 956,937
Presses, Job .... ................ ..........  A 957
Printers' Carts ............................ 965
Printers' Dividers ........................ 914
Printers' Insurance Protective
Inventory System Books ........ 860
Printers' Knives ............... .....   94
Printers' Snips  ......................   986
Proof Planers   ..................... ..  953
Proof Presses .... ....... .. ......94, 965
Proof  Rollers  ...................9...... ...  71
P u lleys  . ................979............. ......
Punching Machines ............. 966-968
Quoins ......................... 969,970
Quoin  Locks  ........................... 969
Quotation Quads.................... 917
Ratchets ................... ........ 976
Register  Hooks .........................4, 4,975
R eglet  ..... ......... ......... ..... 920
Reglet Cases ......       ............ 918
Reversible Unit Cabinets ......... 874. 875
Reversible Unit Banks .............. 876
Roller  Bearers .............................. 971
Roller  Cloth  ..............................  .971
Roller Composition........................ 971
Roller Cores .....        ............ ..971
Round Cornering Machines....967, 968
Rubber Blankets: ..    ........ ......... 859
Ruling Machines ................... 971
St. John Paper Knife .................... 946
Saws....................    .......... 972
Saw  Table ..............................  . 972
Saw Trimmer ........  ......... .972
Screw Drivers ..........       ....... 973
Screw  W renches  ........................... 973
Sectional Blocks ............................ 974
Shafting ................. ............. 978
Shooting Sticks .......................... 973
Short Leads and Slugs,..........9_P39
Shuteboard and Type-High
Machines ..................... 986,937
Side and Foot Sticks ................. 909
Sifter and Transfer Cases. ........ 887
Slauson Cylinder Press Locks ..... 970
Sort Cabinets ...................8...... 71
Specimen Cabinets.: ............ _ .. .882
Sphinx  Paste  ............................... 985
Standing Galleys .....................924, 925
Staple Binders.................. 980, 981
Steam andOverhead Fixtures,978, 979
Steel Furniture ................ 916
Steel Run Case Stands ............ 882-884
Stereotype Beating Brushes ....... 862
Stereotype Blocks .......... 976, 977
Stereotype Outfits ..............978
Sterling Round Cornering
Machine........................... 967
Superior All-Iron Case Stands... 887
Table  Shears .............................   986
Tablet Knife ................................ 985
Tableting Apparatus ................. 984
Take Slugs............................. 985
T ape  ......... ...... .........................  986
Tape Couplers ..................... 986
Tie-up  Slugs .......... . ...........   939
Trucks, Form    ...........................909, 915
Tweezers and Bodkins .............. .861
Type-High Gauge .............. 987
Type-High Machines ............... 986, 987
Type Wash ............  ............. 986
Unimatic Punching Machine .        966
Window Cabinets ...................... 869
W ire  ................................... ............ 983
W ire Stitchers ........................ 981-983
Wisconsin Cabinets ............... 869-871
Wood Furniture ......... ......... 919, 920
Wood Furniture Cases .......... 919
Wood Galleys .................     921
Wood Type Cabinets .................. 876