Unquestionably one
of the reatest improv-
ments in Printers' Cab-
inet construction during
recent years has been
the addition of the Unit
System-a systemwhich
hasgrownand expanded
from a small beginning
until now it is found in
all lines of trade where
system  has made any
material progress.
The are many points of
System over any other
superiority in, a Unit
construction. It allows
of expansion with a
small outlay. A single
Unit will often provide
the additional room re-
quired, and the expense
involved in the purchase
of a complete new Cab-
inet is avoided. At the
same time the Cabinet
will always be complete
and the general balance
of the office equipment
will be maintained.
Heretofore the Unit
System, so far as print-
ing office furniture is
concerned, has not been
attempted beyond regu-
lar type Cabinet con-
struction. We now offer
a line of Units which        Reversible Unit Cabinet Combination No. 4
allows almost unlimited
possibilities in the way of different combinations, including Type Case Units of various patterns, Galley
Units, Letter-board Units, and Sort Drawer Units. This allows the furniture in any printing office,
equipped with these new Reversible Units to be kept at an even balance. If new fonts of type are added,
a Unit containing a few type Cases can be ordered.
The fact should not be lost sight of that reversible Units have greater capacity than other type Cabinets,
owing to the increased depth from front to back, which is necessary on account of the 24-inch depth being
required for Galley Cabinets, so as to accommodate full length standard 24-inch galleys. This increases the
capacity of the type Cases and allows shallower Cases to be used without reducing the standard capacity
of a      etypeCase. 1Ite a ollo  umoreCases to be placed in astandard height of 43 inches for type setting purposes.
It con   ss a larg             aterial into a small space and one Reversible Unit Cabinet will often take
care of all of the material that would require two Cabinets of ordinary construction to hold.
Reversible Unit Cabinet Combination No. 4 is made by combining 2 Units No. 22, each containing seven
Letter Boards. 1 Unit No. 10, containing 12 large California Job Cases, standard depth. 1 Unit No. 11 con-
taining 15 large California Job Cases 1 inch deep inside the rail. 2 No. 1 Banks, 2 Cap pieces and 2 Base
pieces, 2 pairs of Tilting Brackets and 2 pairs of News Cases on Brackets.
List Prices, Dimensions and Weights of Reversible Unit Cabinets
FLOOR SPACE OUTSIDE  I                                                APPROXIMATE
...FS  P                      NUMBER OF CASES
UNITS        I   HE T                ETC., PER UNIT   STYLE OF CASES, ETC.  WEIGHT    PRICE
No. 10 ........... 25 x35  19   21x324      12 Cases      California Job Cases     185     $25.00
No. 11       25 x35    19       21 x32t      15 Cases      California Job Cases     195      28.00
No. 12,.....  25 x*5  19       21. x15;     24 Cases      Wells Job Cases          200      30.00
No. 13 ........... 25 x35  19   21 x154      30 Cases      Wells Job Cases          210      35.00
No. 14   .... 25 x35   19       21 xl5      24 Cases      Yankee Job Cases         200      30,00
No. 15   __  25 x5, 19          21 x1 0 2 Cases            Yankee Job Cases          210     35.00
No. 16   ... 25 x35    19       15! x21      22 Cases      California Job Cases     195      28.00
No. 17........... 25 x35  19    15 x21       28 Cases      California Job Cases     200      35,00
No. 18    . 25 x35     19       21 x32*      12 Cases      Indexed Electro Cases     185     25.00
No.19.       25 x35    19       21! x15      24 Cases      Indexed Electro Cases    200      30.00
No; 20 ..........2 5 x25  19     7,'x22t     24 Drawers    Sort Drawers             235      40.00
No.21 ....   25 x35   19    6and 8jx24       27 Shelves    Galley Shelves           135      16.00
No. 22 .     25 x35   19        23Jx32        7 Boards     Letter Boards             195     18.00
Cap    ...   26 x35    21 .............................................................45     6.00
Base ............  26 x35  2                                                         35       2.50
Bank No. 1.. 17 x35    71  - .     .   .0                                                     3.00
B ank  N o. 2 ..  28 x35  11  ........... . ......               ................................  50  6.00
Two Units with Cap and Base make a Cabinet 421 inches high, Three Units with Cap and Base will make a
Cabinet e2j inches high. Four Units with Cap and Base will make a Cabinet 80t inches high. The price of Unit No.
20 includes the removable sort boxes, 14 for each drawer; or 336 separate boxes for each Unit.
BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER'S                     874               SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE